Finding the perfect "fit" (for college)

collegeThis week, I’ve been spending time at College Week Live’s virtual college fair. I’ve been gathering information and gleaning some excellent tips about the college admissions process. What makes this advice unique? It’s  straight from the horses mouth: admissions officers.  You can’t get any more “hands on” than that and it’s the best place I know to get caught up on the latest admissions information.

Yesterday, I watched a “live” video interview with Peter Van Buskirk, the author of ” Winning the College Admission Game” and a former admissions officer. He spoke about that “perfect fit” and how important it was to find it. When asked by a student, “how do you determine if a college is the right fit?”, Peter first said to overlook all the emotional motives:

  • Your friends are going there
  • Your parents went there
  • You like the football team
  • Your boyfriend/girlfriend has chosen it

He said once you remove those emotional motives, you can concentrate on five criteria that will help you determine whether or not the college is a “perfect fit”:

  1. A place that provides the academic program that meets your needs.
  2. A place that provides the style of instruction that best fits your learning style.
  3. A place that provides a level of rigor and challenge equal to your ability.
  4. A place that feels like home.
  5. A place that values you for what you do well.

According to Peter (and I completely agree) you should encourage your teen to “chew” on each of these and think about what it is they want to get out of a college education. College is more than bricks and mortar and a place to get a diploma. It’s a place where the mind is challenged, social interaction abounds, friendships are formed and a place your college-bound teen will call home for at least four years of their life. That “perfect fit” will assure your teen is comfortable, challenged and ready to learn.

If you would like to hear all of the interview, visit College Week Live and go to the presentations tab. There are numerous presentations available to watch, along with additional information to help you help your college-bound teen find that “perfect fit”.

Also, check out Peter’s website, The Admission Game, on the events tab to see if he’ll be speaking at a school near you.

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