Scholarships: JROTC and FFA


Searching for scholarships can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t know where to look; or in this case, how to plan. Sometimes planning for scholarship opportunities takes a little foresight and preparation, but the benefits and the rewards definitely pay off.

JROTC Scholarships

jrotcMany high schools across the country offer a class called JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps). It’s more than a class, however. It’s an opportunity to qualify for scholarships at the military academies and in college ROTC programs. Additionally, many parent booster groups offer scholarships to cadets who participate in the program. Even if your college-bound teen doesn’t plan to pursue a military career, JROTC offers a great opportunity to show colleges they possess leadership qualities and communication skills. Units also teach discipline and respect.

Read this article to find out more information about JROTC:

Junior ROTC-more than just a class to cadets

ffaFFA Scholarships

FFA (Future Farmers of America) clubs in high schools offer another opportunity for students to win scholarships. Students raise livestock and participate in livestock shows. Most exhibitors leave the livestock show with some money for college, and many win additional scholarships.

Read this article to get more information on FFA and livestock competitions:

Scholarships: Another way for stock show competitors to win big

If your college-bound teen shows an interest in either of these two areas, it’s an excellent opportunity for them to turn their interest into some money for college.

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