The Number One Key To Success In College

What is the primary key for your kids to succeed in college?

grades – avoiding procrastination – passion – friends-scholarships – study time – lots of beer (just kidding…although some kids think that)

Here it is parents!  Get out your journal, grab a pen…you don’t want to miss this one!

CHARACTER definition of character: moral excellence and firmness <a man of sound character>

Chris Spradlin’s definition of character: “Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking.”Jackson Browne actually said this!

As parents we can teach our kids to make great grades, to be on time, we can instill passion deep into their souls, encourage them to make great friends and study.  But the single greatest asset that we can deposit deep into our kids heart is Character.

As our kids enter college we must encourage them to exhibit character in the following areas…

  • Study Ethics: I remember that my toughest subject my freshman in College was Algebra.  To be honest, I am just not that bright when it comes to math.  How did I make it through?  I cheated my entire way through the class.  I never built a math foundation for my remaining years; therefore I struggled through all four years of College.  Parents, we must teach our kids to walk in character when it comes to study ethics.  We must teach them to work hard, study hard, ask questions, join study groups; but at the end of the day, we must teach our kids that it is much better to take a low grade than to cheat.
  • Honoring The Gift: Many students today expect that they will attend college.  I believe that is a good expectation but that parents should help them understand that attending college is a gift!  In the world we live in today many students can’t afford college, don’t have the grades to get into college or don’t have their families help to make it into college.  I believe that parents should teach their kids to walk through the college doors with thankfulness and humility!  That each time they enter a class or extracurricular activity that they should recognize that attending college is a gift other kids don’t have and to honor it.
  • Contributing Financially: I know that this can be a controversial subject for some, but I strongly believe that by asking a student to contribute financially in some form or fashion…this creates ownership in the college experience.
  • Free Time: One of the biggest lessons that I have learned in my life is when a mentor of mine sat me down, looked me in the eyes and said, “Chris, I want you to know that life is not all about you”!  The reality is that most kids enter college and they are the star of their own show, life is about them…their grades, their friends, their fraternity and their social life.  I believe that parents should teach their kids that, “life is not all about them”.  Parents should teach their kids to use their free time to serve others.  Encourage them to serve in a soup kitchen, serve in a local religious organization, mentor a struggling student or befriend someone who is having a tough time with the college transition.

I believe the number one key to success in college is character. Parents, we must take the time to live this out and deposit character deep into the heart, soul and mind of our kids and then they will be truly successful.


This guest post was contribured by Chris Spradlin, the founder of  According to Chris: “I didn’t launch epicparent to showcase my parenting skills, but rather be honest about my failures, wounds, wins and my journey as a parent.  I absolutely love honest, authentic, on-the-edge, innovative, entrepreneurial, get-your-hands-dirty parenting. I believe that if parents would step into their God-given role, the world would be changed!”

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