10 Budgeting Apps for College-Bound Teens


budgeting appsManaging money while attending college can be a constant struggle. You may have limited income due to devoting your time to classroom responsibilities, or maybe you’re living off of student loans and want to keep your expenses in track.

A good budgeting app can help college students keep track of their finances and help them find areas where they can cut back. Most budgeting apps can cover the basics—this article will provide you with five budgeting apps that stand out from the crowd and explain how they can help keep a college student’s budget in order.

Here are 10 budgeting apps for your college-bound teens:

1. Mint.com (iOS, Android)

It’s no secret that college students live on a strict budget. Since they will be managing their own finances and budget for expenses, they need some help. Mint.com automatically pulls all your financial information into one place, so you can have an overall picture of your finances. It manages your checking, savings, loans, and investment accounts (if you have any). It also helps you set budgets and create and track your goals, alerting you when you approach your limit.

2. Toshl Finance (iOS, Android)

Toshi Finance has a simple, good looking interface that is very easy to pick up on. That simplicity makes setting up a monthly budget for college students a breeze—all you need is to input your income and your expenses with reusable tags to get a clear picture of where your money goes.

3. Left to Spend (iOS)

Left to Spend keeps it simple—really, incredibly simple. You set a spending allowance and then subtract from there. No bells, no whistles, just straightforward budget tracking. If you’ve ever tried the “$20 in an envelope every day” budgeting method, this is essentially the digital equivalent.

4. Debt Payoff Planner (Android)

Debt Payoff Planner allows you to find the most effective way to pay back debt, whether it’s student loans or your balance on the emergency credit card. Users can prioritize debt by categories such as highest to lowest balance or highest to lowest interest rate.  It also allows users to see the projected debt payoff date based on payment amounts.

5. Spending Tracker (iOS, Android)

If you simply want to Track whether you have spent more than you have earned then there is nothing else to set up. However you have the option to operate in Budget Mode instead. This will allow you, for example, to set a Spending limit of 500 per Month. You can turn on Budget Mode in the Settings screen. By simply logging all your Expense and Income Transactions you will be able to gain better control over your Spending. You can either enter your Transactions from the Summary screen, or from the Transactions screen. Flexible ‘Recurring’ transactions greatly reduce the amount of work required.

6. Slice (iOS, Android)

This keeps all the details from online purchases in one place, from receipts to shipping information. It even sends a notification when your package ships so you can keep an eye out for the delivery truck if you live off-campus. It also keeps your entire purchase history so you can upload it to a budgeting app all at once.

7. Check (iOS, Android)

Check (formerly Pageonce) is more of a payment and bill tracker than a budgeting app, but keeping track of bill payment for the first time can be tough to get used to, especially with everything else on a college student’s plate. You can pay bills directly from the app, so you’ll never pay a late fee, and even track investments, if you’re particularly ambitious!

8. CheckPlease Lite (iOS, Android)

This straightforward app seems like it was built with college students in mind. If you’re out in a large group and need to split the bill many ways, CheckPlease Lite handles it. It can calculate tips and split the bill up to 100 ways. Dorm pizza or ice cream fund, anyone?

9. Receipts Magic Pro (iOS)

The app has integrated powerful OCR and image processing technologies to keep your data where it belongs – on your own phone! Because of this they don’t need to sell you a subscription plan or charge per receipt. And they don’t need to offer a “free” app that makes money by sharing your purchase history. Receipts Magic Pro saves your money as well your identity. The app allows you to save up to ten receipts, then upgrade to unlimited receipts for .99. We want you to try it out and like it before having to part with a buck.

10. Debt Payoff Planner (Android)

Debt Payoff Planner allows you to find the most effective way to pay back debt, whether it’s student loans or your balance on the emergency credit card. Users can prioritize debt by categories such as highest to lowest balance or highest to lowest interest rate.  It also allows users to see the projected debt payoff date based on payment amounts.

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