Test Prep Week: Can Test Prep Help You Win Scholarships?


win scholarships

Why is test prep important? We all know that colleges use these test scores to evaluate a student’s ability to do well in a college environment. But is there more to taking time to prepare for standardized tests? Yes. In addition to good scores enabling you to apply to your dream college, good scores can also help you win scholarships.

You can win a scholarship if you are a National Merit finalist

The #1 way test prep can affect your scholarship chances is with the PSAT. This test, if scored well, can put you on the National Merit finalist list. You don’t have to be the winner to earn a scholarship. Many colleges award full-ride scholarships to National Merit finalists. Students often look at this test as a “practice” test for the SAT, neglecting to prepare. But it is so much more. Few students prepare for the PSAT so your odds of scoring higher than most students in your state are high if you take the time to study and prepare.

For more information on the PSAT, read my article for TeenLife Magazine: 10 Reasons the PSAT Is Not Just a Practice Test and a guest post from Anthony-James Green of Test Prep Authority: The Ultimate Guide to the PSAT

Colleges use these scores to award merit scholarships

It stands to reason that colleges will use these scores to determine who receives merit aid. Students with higher scores not only get bumped up in the acceptance line, but also receive priority consideration when it comes to scholarships.

Private organizations often ask for standardized test scores

According to Lauren Gaggioli of Higher Scores Test Prep, “Some scholarship advisors estimate over 60% of scholarship applications require test scores these days.” And, she’s seeing even higher percentages up to 75% recently.

The scholarship application process is becoming more and more competitive each year. If you want your student to have an edge, plan and prepare for these standardized test.


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