Are Your Pressuring Your Child Too Much to Study?

studyCollege is a very important decision. It could affect your child for the rest of their lives and it could even mean the difference between them getting the job of their dreams and not. Of course, as a parent you may feel pressure here as well because you only want the best for your child and you also want them to do well. The last thing that you want however is to put additional pressure on them because if you do then you may end up doing more harm than good and this is something that you will want to avoid.

You Criticize Too Much

If you find that you criticize more than you praise then this is a clear sign that you are putting too much pressure on them. A lot of parents tend to ignore a lot of positive behavior because they don’t think that their kids need praise for being good because they need to be pressured so that they can be great. This is not the case at all, so if you know that your child is putting in the work, don’t be afraid to reward them. Take them out shopping, or even grab a coffee and catch up on news that revolves around something other than college. When you do this, you can give them a break and you can also show them that you support them regardless. After all, the last thing that you want is for your child to feel as though if they fail, that your love for them will disappear.


If you are a high-pressure parent then you may find that you micromanage your child when they are trying to study. You may ensure that they are doing everything right and you may even go above and beyond when it comes to getting them study resources. Although at times, there may be nothing wrong with this, you do need to make sure that you are letting them study by themselves. If you don’t then they may find it hard to study alone when they go to university and when they are away from home, this is the last thing that you need.

You Believe Every Situation Is Going to Alter their Life

If you find that you are constantly telling your child that nearly every situation is do-or-die then this can cause you major issues. You don’t need to tell your child that this is their one-shot and you don’t need to put them under any more pressure than they are already under. This is especially the case for gifted and talented students and the main reason for this is because they already understand the consequences of their actions. They are also already aware of their potential and what they could go on to achieve, so you don’t need to keep reminding them that every time they get a lower score on a test, that they are compromising their own chances. After all, this may not even be true, because there are so many resources out there designed to help those who do score badly on tests, to re-try or even take an alternative route.

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4 thoughts on “Are Your Pressuring Your Child Too Much to Study?”

  1. Very engaging post. Students may be going through tedious pressure in school already because of the studying work that they do. The last thing that they need is for this to be aggravated at home. Parents should take time to be reassuring to their children that they are well-supported. They should embrace the capabilities and weaknesses of their children while motivating them to excel in school as well.

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