Apps to Make College Prep Easier

appsMost parents feel their student’s smartphone is an extra appendage. Your student’s entire life is on their phone. They use it to stay in touch with friends (and you if you’re lucky), they use it for homework, for research, for gaming and just about every other task in their lives.

Why not add some beneficial tasks that can help with college prep and even safety? Here are some of my picks for apps that can help your student be more productive and even ease your mind a bit.

Apps to help with writing and research

What high school student doesn’t need to know how to properly annotate a reference source, find a synonym for simple words to spice up their essays, or do some research for term papers?

Apps to help your student with history

Whether you need to reference an article of the Constitution, find out what happened today 100 years ago, or look up some famous speeches, here are some apps that have got you covered.

Apps to help with math questions

Does math homework make you quake in your shoes? It did me. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the widespread availability of apps that today’s high school students have.  These apps should help both you and your student tackle those complicated math problems.

Apps to help your student improve their GPA

Instead of study apps, let’s call these “10 apps to help you get merit-aid scholarships”. Improving your GPA is the best way to qualify for merit aid, and the best way to improve your GPA is to study.

Apps to help with the college essay

One of the most dreaded tasks of the college prep process is writing the essay. Students have problems with essay prompts, being creative, and using proper grammar. As luck would have it, however, there are even essay apps to help with this task.

Apps to help with test prep

A good SAT or ACT score can translate into good merit aid. Your student should take studying seriously. These apps can help make it easier and they are FREE!

Apps to help teach your student about budgeting

A good budgeting app can help college students keep track of their finances and help them find areas where they can cut back. Most budgeting apps can cover the basics—this article will provide you with five budgeting apps that stand out from the crowd and explain how they can help keep a college student’s budget in order.

Apps to help students in critical situations

These apps can help students act during critical situations to go along with the conversations you should have with your soon-to-be college students. These apps won’t solve the problem, but they can help save a life.

For more information on apps that can help you and your student, follow this link for all the articles I’ve written in the past about apps.

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