In College, the Little Things Can Add Up

It’s a given that the greatest college expense will be tuition, followed by room and board. But it’s the little things that can add up. If you’re budgeting for college and have all your ducks in a row regarding the BIG expenses, you might want to take a pencil and budget in the little things. You’ll be surprised how the nickels and dimes can add up to hundreds.

  • Transportation-Most campuses do not allow freshmen to have cars. If they do, consider doing without. You can most likely find everything you need on or near campus. Consider buying a bus pass or walking. It’s the easiest way to pare down the expenses.
  • Communication-Compare cellphone plans and make sure you’re signed up for a plan that allows you to have unlimited texting and free conversations with your friends and family. Keep track of your minutes and don’t go over.
  • Computer-Many schools college-costsrequire students to have a personal computer. Shop around for one with a wireless connection so you can use the campus ethernet. Buy it when there are sales and bargains and verify that a good warranty is attached.
  • Insurance-If your family has health insurance that covers you, make sure the college doesn’t tack on those extra charges to your tuition bill. It’s not a bad idea to get some sort of content coverage for your dorm room. Things tend to “disappear” on crowded college campuses.
  • Tuition-Stay on track and make sure you finish your education ON TIME. Additional semesters, hours, etc. will increase your tuition and add extra costs when they are unnecessary.
  • Food-If you eat regular meals, the college meal plans are great bargains. If you don’t, and your college will allow you to opt out or pick and choose, you might save money by doing so. My daughter rarely used her plan and we found it was an unnecessary expense.

These are just a few ideas that might help you save some cash during your college years. As a parent, you’ll appreciate the chance to keep some of your hard-earned money in your pocket.

If you’ve got a hint I haven’t touched on please comment here. I’m sure our readers could benefit from any and all suggestions.

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