Summertime is Scholarship Search Time

scholarship3For many of you, it’s just been a few days since the school shut its doors for the summer and your teens are already showing signs of boredom. Never fear! The cure for boredom is to put them to work. Every parent knows that idle hands are the devil’s playground (great line from The Music Man). But seriously, here’s a great way to keep them occupied and productive: have them search for scholarships. There are oodles of summer scholarship opportunities. Some themed around summer, and some with summer deadlines.

FastWeb has compiled a short list of  a few that might catch your teen’s eye. And remember, not ALL scholarships are for seniors. Many of them are not age specific and if your teen starts early, by the time they are ready for college they could accumulate a nice fat college fund.

Additionally, it’s a good time to circumvent the scholarship sites and get an idea of who won this year’s prize and take a look at their submissions. It is a great way to prepare for the next year and have a head start on the competition.

There’s really NO excuse for the word “bored” to come out of your teen’s mouth!

P.S. Scroll down and take a look at the scholarship opportunities I have posted here. There are two of them that could land you teen a nice chunk of change.

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