In honor of Halloween: Weird and Wacky Scholarships

Although these scholarships have been deemed “weird and wacky”, any scholarship that garners you FREE money for college is anything but that. Did you know that you can type in “wacky scholarships” in Google and come up with some of these scholarship gems? Here are just a few of them.

Is your teen a leftie?

Juniata College located in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania offers two 1,000 scholarhips to left handed students each year. One of the qualifications is – yes – left handedness.

Does your teen know how to knit?

The National Make It Yourself with Wool (NMIYWW) organization awards 2 scholarships for knitting wool garments. Make a killer wool garment and submit it to this organization and they will judge it based garment style and design, contestant’s presentation, and creativity. Winners receive either a $2,000 or a $1,000 scholarship.

Is your teen a Trekkie?

The Kor Memorial Scholarship is awarded by the Klingon Language Institute to recognize and encourage scholarship in the field of language study. You don’t have to be fluent in Klingon, but creativity is preferred.


Starfleet Academy Scholarship. If you are a member of the “Starfleet Academy,” an organization modeled after the fictitious Star Trek academy you may qualify for awards such as the Gene Roddenberry Memorial Scholarship for Aspiring Writers or the DeForest Kelley/Dr. Leonard McCoy Medical Scholarship.

Is your teen enjoying “the air up there”?

The Kae Sumner Einfeldt Scholarship, sponsored by Tall Clubs International offers tall students a $1000.00 scholarship. To qualify, girls must be at least 5-foot-10, and guys must measure at least 6-foot-2.

Is your teen fascinated with ghosts?

The New York-based Parapsychology Foundation offers young ghost hunters and those with interest in the paranormal several scholarships.

Does your teen have expertise in duck calling?

The Chick and Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest awards a $1,500 scholarship to the winner of their duck calling contest. First runner-up gets $500, second runner-up gets $300, and third runner-up gets $200.

If these have peeked your interest, here’s a few other links offering many other possibilities. With the scholarship names, you can go to a scholarship search site like FastWeb and find out all the details.

Happy Halloween!

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