It’s no surprise. Twitter is a GREAT social media site to find out the latest college news and information. Set yourself up a “college info” list on Twitter and add these to that list. As you follow them, notice who they are communicating with and who they follow–add some more to that list. Soon you will have a comprehensive Twitter list that will keep you abreast of the latest college news.
- @SuzanneShaffer-The definitive Parent College Coach (helping parents help their college-bound teen navigate the college maze).
- @4CollegeParents–University Parent’s twitter account. Great information for parents of college-bound teens.
- @CollegeVisit–Everything you need to know about college visits from parents, students and experts.
- @CollegeBlogs–Awesome advice about everything you need to know about college admissions.
- @SaveCollegeCost–The BEST financial advice around for parents and college-bound teens.
- @SheldonWordNerd–SAT help (hook your teen up with this guy!)
- @SusanPosluszny–A career counselor with some GREAT career advice for college-bound teens.
- @MyCollegeGuide–As always, great information about college and all things related to college.
- @USATodayCollege–College news from an excellent news source.
- @VideoCoach–Offering videos with all sorts of college advice and help.
- @FastWebdotcom–A scholarship site that posts scholarship opportunities.
- @TheCollegeGuide–Great blogs about college life and topics related to college issues.
- @CollegeWeekLive–An online virtual college fair offering live events and chats.
- @Scholarshipscom–A scholarship site that posts scholarship opportunities.
- @Cappexcom–A college matching, search, and scholarship site for college-bound teens.
- @NYTimesCollege–A college news blog offering up-to-the-minute news and Q&A.
- @MoneyMgmt101–Helping college-bound teens and their parents make wise money choices.
- @CampusCommons–Offering an informative and fun blog for college students.
- @IHEAdmissions–Information related to higher education (great articles and news reports).
- @CheapScholar–Helping students and their parents find college funding and bargains.
- @EntrepreneurEDU–Tweeting about entrepreneurial opportunities in higher education.
- @gilrogers–An admissions officer that tweets information about admissions applications and the students who apply.
- @zinch–Tweets about scholarships and finding the “perfect fit” college.
- @TheCampusBuzz–Tons of articles related to college.
- @CollegeCalendar–Tips for college-bound teens about staying organized and preparing for admissions.
- @CollegeSurfing–Great tweets about college news, college admissions and college information.
- @MyUsearch–Follow this twitterer for the latest college information and news.
- @Unigo–Articles about college and higher education.
- @CollegeBlender—Making it easier to connect to college student, faculty, and alumni blogs.
- @MindFish—A smarter and more fun way to take on standardized tests. (pass this one on to your kiddos!)
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Thanks for including My College Guide on your awesome list — we appreciate it!
We try to entertain — oh, yeah: and *college* inform!
Great list, Suzanne.
Parents and students interested in “pushing back” against the notion that the college process is mostly about what “they” (the colleges) want… should think about following me as well.
I’m Shelley Krause, tweeting as @butwait, and I coordinate a wiki of college lists that is free and open to the public.
Thanks for commenting and I will definitely be following you on Twitter as well.
I enjoyed reading your list of the top 30 Twitter sites for college information, and wanted you to know about our resources at College Parents of America. We are a national membership organization for current and future college parents. Our mission is to help parents understand, prepare for, protect and maximize their family’s college investment. I tweet about issues of concern to parents at cpofamerica. Thanks, Jim Boyle
Thanks James for the information. I will be happy to pass your site along to my parent readers and include it in my Toolkit as well. Look forward to reading your tweets!
What great company to be in! Thank you for including SmartCollegeVisit on your Twitter list!
Thanks for including us. Actually our Twitter page is @cappexcom
Thank you for including CheapScholar on your list! I definitely enjoy helping families and students as we try to make college affordable…
Suzanne…this is a great resource page – the best I’ve seen. I salute you for putting this together. I’ve sent it out to all my clients. And thanks for placing my contribution on the list.
Thanks so much for the mention. I love your updates on twitter as well.
Check out my tweets. Real college news that everyone can use. Good place to add to your list: Woolf__College/collegecounselor
Suzanne- a multitude of thanks for adding my efforts to your list. Wow, and what a list it is! Great resources for students and parents from all college planning disciplines.