Saving time and money with CLEP Tests

Every college student will spend their first two years of college studying information that they’ve already covered at some point during their four years of high school. Algebra, Biology, U.S. History, Government, and English Composition are all classes the students are already familiar with.

Even if your student wasn’t a straight “A” high school student they are still smart enough to test out of classes that they have already covered. Nothing changes in U.S. History from high school to college. The north still defeats the south in the civil war. George Washington is still the first president.

We send students off to college so they can learn what they need to succeed in the vocation they pursue. But we spend the first half of their studies covering information that they already know.

The answer to this problem is CLEP testing. CLEP stands for (College Level Examination Program). They are 50-120 question tests given by the CollegeBoard which is the same company that issues the SAT. If a student passes a CLEP they are granted college credit as if they had taken the actual class.

There are CLEP tests for 33 subjects and they give students the ability to test out of 30-60 credit hours before even stepping foot in a classroom. Students can study for these tests alongside their current classes or during their summer break. These tests can also be taken while students are in high school.

There are plenty of clep practice tests and questions available to students which give them a great idea of what information would be covered on a CLEP if they took it.

SpeedyPrep also offers a free CLEP eBook which gives numerous tips and tricks of the trade for how to maximize CLEP for your college student.

For a list of colleges that accept CLEP tests as college credit, visit:

For information about CLEP testing centers, visit:

It’s always best to check with the colleges before you take the tests regarding their CLEP test policy.


This guest post is by Luke Macias of SpeedyPrep, an online, question-based study system focused on equipping students with all they need to know to prepare for and pass CLEP exams in a variety of subjects.

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