“Short & Tweet” Scholarship

Does your college-bound teen need some money for books? How about a new laptop for college? Or an iPad to take with them to school? has a scholarship that ANY student can enter. No essay. No stringent rules and regulations to follow. What could be simpler than that?

Here are the “deets” (a little shortened humor):


Step 1: Follow on Twitter.

Step 2: @reply us with a tweet answering the question “What would an extra $1,000 for college mean to you?” Once you do this, you are automatically entered to win a $1,000 scholarship.

Step 3: You may enter as many times as you want but please limit your tweets to a reasonable amount per day. Each tweet will be a stand-alone entry and tweets that are submitted by non-followers, exceed 140 characters, do not include @Scholarshipscom or are submitted after the May 31st deadline will not be considered. From there, the Team will determine which comment is most deserving of the award.

Starts: April 13th

Ends: May 31st

Number Available: 1

Amount: $1,000 for one first-prize winner; hats and t-shirts for second- and third-prize winners

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6 thoughts on “ “Short & Tweet” Scholarship”

  1. “I applied for a $1000.00 scholarship and all I got was this lousy shirt”

    Seems like a pretty big prize gap between 1st and 2nd place. They couldn’t have at least offered a few hundred? Who needs a little cash to help with books when they have a branded hat and t-shirt, amirite?

    1. James, as with all scholarship opportunities there is a chance you won’t win. However, there is also a chance you will! If the tweet is crafted well and gets their attention, it’s the easiest $1000 a student will make. The consolation prizes are just that, consolation prizes. Your best bet is ALWAYS going to be scholarships and grants from the individual colleges. But this gives EVERYONE a chance, and I’m all for that!

    2. BTW James. Cool website and what an excellent idea to reach a specific demographic. Love it!

  2. An extra $1000 scholorship would mean my family could eat while I go to school. If I only get 2nd place then I will have something new to wear.

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