Top 5 Forgotten Dorm Room Supplies

In the frenzy to get your child ready for college, it is easy to forget about some pretty important dorm room staples either because things are hectic, or because they just slip your mind. Here is DormCo’s list of the Top 5 Forgotten Dorm Room Supplies that are a must-have for any incoming college freshman.

#5 – Alarm Clock

It seems silly to say, but when purchasing the furnishings for your child’s dorm room, alarm clocks are often forgotten amongst the “bigger” items such as bedding and storage options. I had multiple friends who had to run out and buy alarm clocks when they arrived on campus in the fall, so be sure not to forget this dorm necessity. Going for an alarm clock that has an MP3/iPod player included will eliminate the need to buy an expensive iPod dock, and your child can wake up every morning to their favorite tunes as well!

#4 – Area Rug

Although a rug is not exactly necessary, it adds a nice touch to your child’s dorm room and makes the space more comfortable and inviting. What better way to afford them with a sense of home than with a plush rug complete with a trendy design? Have your child pick out a rug they like, and if they already know their roommate, see if they’d like to ask them his or her thoughts on a rug choice. Getting your roommate’s opinion on communal items from the get-go will start your child’s living environment off on the right foot.

#3 – Wall Art

There is nothing more mundane and unwelcoming than bare, white walls. Many students accumulate posters, pictures, and wall art as the year progresses, but starting out with one or two will ensure that your child’s little slice of home away from home is personalized. Recently, Peel N Stick wall art has been the new “thing” for college students since it’s so versatile and fun, and it’s worth checking out if you haven’t already.

#2 – An Iron

This was the least owned item out of all the dorm supplies my friends and I had, yet one of the most useful – multiple times. While people claim that irons are unnecessary, or that you only need them if you’re a business major, in fact there are many circumstances where being able to iron a blouse or pair of slacks will prove to be very useful.

#1 – Bed Toppers

Unless you’re familiar with the ins and outs of dorm shopping, you may not know about bed toppers. Whether you choose a feather bed topper, memory foam, or an egg crate, you can easily provide your college-bound kid with a good night’s sleep. When classes get stressful and sports become overwhelming, your child will be grateful that you got them this bed necessity – it will help them sleep restfully, night after night.


Snag these 5 dorm necessities, on top of the obvious staples, and your child will be set for school come August! For an amazing selection of dorm supplies at stellar prices, be sure to check us out at!


Today’s guest post is from Alexis McKenzie, Customer Service, Marketing, and Social Media for DormCo.Com

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One thought on “Top 5 Forgotten Dorm Room Supplies”

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