Getting In-The Zinch Guide to College Admissions


When Gil Rogers at Zinch asked me if I would be interested in getting an advance copy of this book I jumped at the chance. First of all, I love reviewing books for parents. Secondly, I knew it was going to be quality material and I was excited to get my hot little hands on a copy.

I’ve read plenty of books on college admissions. Some are so scholarly heavy that you need a degree to figure them out. Others are so shallow you can find most of the material in your teen’s high school handouts. Zinch’s book is neither of the above. It’s geared toward the student, but is also extremely valuable from a parent’s perspective. Zinch reminds the student that while the college process often involves the entire family, the final choice must be their own. I agree with this whole heartedly. Every parent should grasp this truth.

Since this book is jam-packed with information, it would be difficult to speak about all of it. Suffice it to say that Zinch covers EVERYTHING from beginning to end. It’s an invaluable resource to have for your student (especially at the beginning of the process), because it walks them through admissions step by step.

Following are some of the highlights (and my favorite parts):

  • The Truth About College Admissions-This chapter alone is worth the cost of the book. They debunk the myths about college, college rankings, and tell you the things colleges don’t want you to know. Superb!
  • Behind the Scenes-This chapter goes into great detail about what goes on in a college admissions office. As a parent, this chapter will be an eye opener. If you’ve ever wondered what goes on, Zinch spells it out!
  • College Input-One of the impressive components in the book is the input Zinch includes from actual specific college admissions officers. It helps you see how they think and how they view the process.
  • Social Media-Zinch recognizes the importance of social media and how it can affect the college admissions process. The book talks about your student’s online presence and reminds them that Google never forgets.
  • The Hook-This is the first book that I’ve seen that talks about “marketing” the student to the colleges. Zinch explains how important this is in order for your student to stand out.
  • The Application process-Since this is the most important part of college admissions, the book goes into specific detail about every aspect of the application with step-by-step guides and tips.
  • Three Case Studies-This is my favorite part of the book. Zinch takes three college applicants of different backgrounds and academics and presents their entire application to various colleges for review. The colleges then give their recommendations for acceptance, wait listing or rejection, giving you insight into the “whys” of the decision, along with how they came to their decision. It’s a wealth of information for both students and parents.

The book reads easily and provides many highlighted examples related to each chapter topic. Zinch tells the reader in the first few pages how to use the book:

  1. Read it. (to get an overview of the entire process)
  2. Ask your parents to read it. (to liberate the student and parent from the myths surrounding college admissions)
  3. Start early. (they recommend no later than junior year—I say freshman year)
  4. Role play. (put yourself in the role of the admissions officer and evaluate each one)
  5. Reread the appropriate chapter. (refer to the information as you need it)
  6. Work smarter, not harder. (the book provides you with the tools you need to be prepared)

If you are a parent of a college-bound teen (that means even middle school) you should pick up a copy of this book. Amazon has it on sale now for $9.86 and you can get a sneak peek inside the book as well. If you pick up a copy, let me know what you think. You can also post your comments on Twitter using the hashtag #GettingIn.

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3 thoughts on “Getting In-The Zinch Guide to College Admissions”

  1. I couldn’t agree more! I’m contemplating starting a book club for local high school students and their parents, just to go through The Zinch Guide to Getting In.

    Thanks for sharing,


  2. I’m so glad that you found it so valuable. Thank you so much for the support that you give to students and parents navigating the college search process!!!

    1. I’m always looking for any resource that will help parents be effective parent college coaches while letting their students, in your words, drive the car!

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