Is college really attainable for everyone?

If you work hard in school, study and do your best you should be able to get into a good college. At least that’s what I told my kids who were from a middle class background. But what about the disadvantaged and those who don’t have parents in their corner cheering them on.

Here’s a quote from an article called, Where Poor People Don’t Go to College, and Why posted a few months ago in the Washington Monthly:

Asking why low income people don’t make it to America’s most exclusive colleges is sort of like asking why low income people don’t buy more BMWs. It’s because the price of the good largely prohibits the economically disadvantaged from purchasing that good.

It’s a sad fact that the elite tend to fare well and the disadvantaged aren’t afforded the same opportunities.Here’s an infographic that says it all:

Rags to Rags - Riches to Riches

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