Would your student like the Sony S Series laptop?

I’ve been blogging about this laptop for about a week now in the hopes that you can make an informed choice about the right laptop for your student.

Parents usually have a few simple questions about this type of purchase:

  1. Is it affordable?
  2. Is it durable and dependable?
  3. Will the laptop last throughout their high school and/or college careers?

Students on the other hand want to know the following:

  1. Does it have enough memory?
  2. Is it wireless and does it have a built in camera?
  3. Can I use it for watching movies, streaming videos, and gaming?
  4. Are there enough usb ports to plug in all my devices?
  5. How long will the battery last?
  6. How much does it weigh since I’ll be carting it back and forth to class?

Since my knowledgeable geek colleagues (and I say this with all due respect) have done an amazing job of reviewing the Sony S Series laptop to answer both parent and student questions, I’m going to defer to their expertise and post links to all of their informed posts.



Deadline for entering is July 17, 2011 7PM PST.

Entering is easy. Just answer the question: What would you do if you had up to 15 hours of battery life?

Enter here!


This post is part of program called “Charged and Ready” by Sony Electronics and Microsoft, where a group of college bloggers have been given a Sony VAIO-S series laptop to test and review.

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3 thoughts on “Would your student like the Sony S Series laptop?”

  1. I’m a mum and I have to say that I would be asking these questions myself:

    Does it have enough memory?
    Is it wireless and does it have a built in camera?
    Are there enough usb ports to plug in all my devices?
    How long will the battery last?
    How much does it weigh since I’ll be carting it back and forth to class?

    And then I will look at the cost….maybe as I work in a software environment I would ask different questions to some parents but I think most would ask more than the first three..don’t you?

    1. If you’re knowledgeable about computers and software, of course you would ask more questions. But I’ve come to realize that most parents are not and need the very basic ones answered. If you need more answered, the articles I posted fully explain the laptop and all it’s bells and whistles much more clearly than I ever could. Check them out!

      1. That’s quite scary that most parents don’t ask more…I really though most parents would have learnt over the last 10 years….I would excuse my parents not asking the same questions as Grandparents but would expect my friend too…perhaps I should ask around and make sure they do know that they should look at more and not dismiss what the kids say as just ‘wanting’! I’ll check the articles out as always good to learn more..thanks 🙂

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