10 Ways my Twitter followers have made me 1000 times more blessed

This past weekend, I surpassed the 10,000 mark in Twitter followers. For me, that’s a milestone. It wasn’t much more than a year ago that I started my Twitter journey, hoping to leverage its influence when deciding to create my Parents Countdown to College Toolkit. It was fairly new in social media circles and quite honestly, many were skeptical it could be an effective marketing tool.

10,000 followers later I would have to say that Twitter has far exceeded my expectations. Not only has it been an effective marketing tool, but it has put me in contact with other college experts; and thus allowing me to exceed my original purpose and plan for using this social media tool. Say what you want about Facebook; Twitter has opened more doors for me than I could have ever imagined.

Here are 10 ways my Twitter followers have made me 1000 times more blessed:

  1. I have been able to tap into a vast resource of parents. These parents have made me realize that we all share the same journey that is oftentimes frustration but always rewarding. I’ve been able to draw from their expertise, learn from their experiences, and use all of that to make my blog and my parent college coaching more effective and timely.
  2. I have connected with 1000’s of experts in the college arena. I have talked with admissions counselors, college students, college counselors and financial aid advisers. I have gathered all their information and expertise to create a vast network of advice for parents as they navigate the college maze with their teens.
  3. I have made friends who have enriched my life. These friends are in all different areas: college experts, test prep experts, breast cancer survivors, parents, tech experts, and even Manilow fans. They have given me all sorts of encouragement and support.
  4. I have established business connections. These connections have given me credibility and an opportunity to fine tune my expertise. They have also been valuable mentors and coaches regarding my business and its positive progress.
  5. I have had oodles of fun. Yes oodles. I’ve attended chats and laughed as we joked with one another. I’ve had back and forth conversations with other parents and enjoyed learning about their families and their lives.
  6. I have stayed up to date on the latest news and controversial topics. Twitter has been a valuable tool to catch up on the news and be the first to know when news breaks: the crash in the Hudson, the Casey Anthony trial, the capture of Bin Laden and the shootings at Ft. Hood just to name a few.
  7. I have tapped into the best training in social media. This valuable advice has helped me improve my social media presence and keep current on the latest social media tips and tricks. Following people like @chrisbrogan, @marismith, @joelcomm, @barefoot_exec and @mashable have given me a vast wealth of social media tools to expand my online presence.
  8. I have been able to exchange guest posts. Being on Twitter puts me in touch with other experts in my field and enables me to exchange guest posts, thus expanding my internet presence and providing my readers with valuable content.
  9. I have been inspired. It goes without saying that there is a wealth of valuable inspiration on Twitter from parents, life coaches, and even parenting experts. They have inspired me to be productive and encouraged me to pursue my passion.
  10. I have learned more SAT vocabulary words than I care to mention. With followers like @elizabethonline @akilbello and @sheldonwordnerd you can’t help but pick up on those great vocabulary words that everyone needs to improve their communication skills.

Thanks to all my 10,000+ followers for enriching my life and expanding my reach beyond my small little south Texas world. I will never take you for granted AND if there is EVER anything I can do to help promote you and/or your business just shoot me an email or DM me on Twitter. I’m all about paying it forward!

Special thanks to @GreekforMe for suggesting the topic of this blog!

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3 thoughts on “10 Ways my Twitter followers have made me 1000 times more blessed”

  1. Agreed on all fronts. Who would’ve thought I would have had so many productive phone conversations and in-person meetings after meeting on Twitter? It really is a great vehicle for ‘the real world’ if used properly.

    Thank YOU for all your thoughtful tweeting!


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