College Application Videos

In this multimedia age that we live in it should come as no surprise that many colleges are now accepting video applications. This trend has taken off at a number of institutions, but many young students are wondering how exactly to present themselves via video application. Where do you even start?

Most students chose to make the video themselves with the use of their own equipment and some even choose to shoot their video straight off their iPhone. But those who want their video to stand out can go to a video production company for guidance. However your student chooses to shoot the video, there are a number of things they will want to take into consideration when shooting.

  • Make sure they don’t read straight from a poster board. You will want to make sure that they come off as natural and comfortable as possible. Reading straight from a script will achieve nothing for them. Instead, suggest that they make bullet points on a poster board and place it behind the camera. This will serve as a handy tool that can guide them during their presentation.
  • Dress appropriately. There will be no need to pull out the tux or gown for this, but a nice shirt will go a long way. And remind your student to smile!
  • Remind them this isn’t a reality show application. Several students have used their video applications as a tool to showcase their talents such as singing, juggling, what have you. Sure it’s important to come off as unique, but using the entire time to show off talent is a big no-no. Instead, have them talk about some interesting hobbies as a way to show off their uniqueness. Some other topics to discuss could be about family, inspirations, or maybe just a dialogue about college and what they hope to accomplish while there. An advantage of a video application is that the student can decide what to share, so however your child feels that they can best present their originality is the way to go.

The thought of a video application may seem odd to many of you, but the advantages of doing an application through video are numerous. A traditional application doesn’t allow the student an opportunity to truly show off their originality. Also, through a video submission college representatives are able to see how the student looks, sounds, and presents themselves. Video applications are the wave of the future and students need to prepare themselves for the possibility of having to present themselves to college representatives through the use of video.

Four schools are now encouraging students to send videos instead of essays. According to Newsweek about 5-10% of the applications sent to the four schools include videos. The four schools include Tufts, George Mason, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and William and Mary. Some of the videos submitted have gained thousands of views on YouTube.


Today’s guest post is from Danielle, a resident of Indianapolis who blogs for Professional Intern (, a website devoted to reading, literature, writing, and education.

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3 thoughts on “College Application Videos”

  1. I really like these tips, Suzanne, and I take a different approach with my students: I tell them NOT to appear before the camera. Why? I have 2 objectives: (1) To maintain an element of mystery: I want the admissions officer to imagine what the student looks like. It’s intriguing, just as we adults do the same thing on the phone when we’re talking to someone. (2) the other objective of the video is NOT to talk about the student, but to video the student’s environment. The objective here is to impress upon the viewer that the student comes from a nurturing and stable environment. And isn’t this the kind of student the college is looking for?… How the student accomplishes this objective is tightly choreographed by me.

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