12 College Experts I would like to meet in 2012


This past year I have met and established some wonderful friendships and collaborations on Twitter. I had the privilege of meeting Jenn Cohen of Sheldon Word Nerd this past summer. I thought it might be fun to list the college experts who I would love to meet IRL (in real life) in 2012. If you aren’t following them already, I’ve included the links so you can!

Akil Bello-This guy cracks me up and is the genuine article. His SAT advice is spot on and he’s quite a wordsmith. I would love to sit down with him and discuss the merits of Manilow’s music (and how he feels about internet shysters trying to rob parents of their hard-earned money).

Kelly Queijo-Kelly is my hero because she walked the 30 mile Komen walk for me and my mom. Not to mention she hosts #campuschat AND has the best go-to site for college visit information. She and I have been Twitter friends since her site launched.

Nancy Berk-Nancy is every parent’s friend and quite the comedian. Her book, “College Bound and Gagged” left me rolling on the floor laughing. I would love to be a guest on “Whine at 9”!

Eric Clark-Eric, my man. A great dad and an educator with a vision to help tutor EVERY student across the country with his Quincy Tutoring network. He’s been one of my biggest supporters and I him.

Wendy David-Gaines-The ultimate POCSMom and a colleague. She approaches the college journey with humor and ideas to reduce the stress while helping parents with support and encouragement throughout the journey.

Monica Matthews-Monica is a parent too but an absolute EXPERT on college scholarships. I wish I would have had her book when my kids went to college. She rocks helping parents and students find and apply for scholarships.

Elizabeth King-Elizabeth writes the most pithy articles about test prep and the value of education. She’s an all star in my book!

Paul Hemphill-My Boston buddy and good friend. Paul and I believe that parents are the customers and colleges should rise up and take notice! Plus, he’s the best at marketing students for college. He gets an A+++ for being a parent advocate.

Jane Kulow-Jane is on the college journey with her kids and visiting colleges as we speak. Her blog ROCKS for parents who are going through the process because you get a real-time parent’s perspective.

Jeff Sheely-Jeff’s common sense approach to financing a college education made me a fan from the first time I met him on Twitter. His College Money blog gives parents and students the BEST advice about debt, student loans and financing a college education.

Gil Rogers-Gil is the first admissions officer I met on Twitter and he helped me answer many a parent’s question. Now he works for Zinch (my fav college related company) and his stellar social media savvy makes him an all-around guru.

Fuji Fulgueras-Apart from teasing me about my Manilow fandom, Fuji is a college admissions counselor and a respected expert. He can answer any questions about college admissions and is always helpful to parents when asked.

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13 thoughts on “12 College Experts I would like to meet in 2012”

  1. Suzanne — Thank you so much for this, sharing your recommendations and providing more excellent resources for all of us. Best wishes to you for the new year and do please let me know when your travels bring you to Virginia! — Jane

  2. have you ever seen a black man blush? well you’re seeing it now!

    Thanks and happy new year! We’ll make that meeting happen this year!

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