Useful college information for parents

Since I’ve been gone for six months (on an unexpected hiatus) my blog has lacked new content. It’s always been my goal to provide parents with useful information that will help them guide their students through the college maze of requirements, planning, applications, visits and selection. It is this commitment that has made me come up with a schedule for my blog, in the hopes that parents will know what to expect each week from its content and know where to look for the information they need.

Barring any unforeseen circumstances (like the last six months), my goal is to post daily and I have decided to focus on these topics:

  • Monday-In the News (a post related to the latest and best news in the college admissions community)
  • Tuesday-Website evaluation (websites that will help parents and students find the information they need to make informed college choices)
  • Wednesday-Guest bloggers (anyone with a message for parents and students is welcome to submit an article for publication)
  • Thursday-Editorials (using this platform to voice my own personal feelings about all things college)
  • Friday-Infographics (timely infographics that provide useful college information)
  • Sunday-Scholarships (helping you find scholarships for your student)

It’s my hope that this consistent blogging will provide a platform to help parents find the information they need during the college search and application process. If you have a request for a specific article related to any of these topics or have an idea for a guest post, please feel free to contact me:  


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