Getting involved in campus life

Unknown-2Most parents, if asked, would cite academics as the priority when it comes to the focus for their college-age kids. After all, you are paying for an education that will eventually lead to a job and an independent life (or so you hope). And yet, the time your students spend on campus will offer many more opportunities for education than those that can be found in a book. Without your help and guidance, they will have to navigate the waters of social interaction on their own, learning how to form lasting relationships (both personal and professional). And the best way to do this is to get involved in campus life. So if you want your kids to get the most out of their college experience, it’s important that you encourage them to come out of their shell and participate in something other than their chosen curriculum.

Of course you’re not going to tell them to get out and party, but there are certainly merits to joining fraternities and sororities. Greek life has developed a bad reputation for beer-guzzling shindigs, so you might not think it’s right for the college-bound kids in your family. But the truth is that there’s a lot to recommend life in these houses. For one thing, the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood that exist in the Greek system will give your students instant substitute families, allowing them a place to belong throughout their collegiate experience, not to mention a network of contacts to call upon after graduation. In addition, houses are often required to participate in both campus events and charitable activities, which can only help your student to get involved, and perhaps learn something about the value of compassion and philanthropy. They also require a minimum GPA.

Then again, fraternities and sororities don’t comprise the only means for students to get involved, although they may be one of the most valuable. You could also encourage your kids to join campus clubs, and there are many avenues to choose from. Sports are one great way for students to be thrust into the college experience, since they not only provide an instant group of friends by way of teammates, but they also ensure attendance at a number of campus events. Even traditionally solo sports like running or cycling can be done with friends or campus groups.

There are also clubs that cater to academic pursuits (math club, AV, creative writing, etc.), hobbies, religious groups, or even political affiliations or agendas. The point is that no matter what your kids are interested in, there are probably like-minded students on campus, and if a specific group isn’t available, your student could start one. How about a weekly movie club to screen the classics, or a club that tests new video games and then blogs their reviews?

While keeping your “nose in the books” is admirable (you can compare textbooks here to find the best prices) and studying is important, having a social life is also important. You should pause for a moment and think about how they stand to benefit from a more rounded campus experience. Students that get involved and make friends will gain, in addition to an education, a support network that can help them get jobs and get by in life once they leave college. A well-rounded student is a happy and successful student.

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