The importance of college role models


Everyone needs a role model at different stages of life; a role model is that the person you look up; it is he or she who inspires you to stay focused on achieving your goals. Role models are very important because they sort of define the path that you should follow in order to reach a certain end. A good way to describe these individuals is as a guiding star; a bright shining light that directs you to where you need to be. Role models are of great importance and more so during the formative years. It is during this period of time that a person requires guidance so that they do not end up on the wrong path.

Quite a number of people have actualized their dreams because of the role models they chose; dream actualization is a vital element in the equation of happiness. The college years are among the most important in a person’s life; in fact for quite a number of people, this is the make or break period. At this level, therefore, good role models are very important. There are various college role models who can significantly influence the life of a college student; the following are some of them.


college role models

Sport is a big part of college life. In fact, it is during the various college sporting events that scouts from the big leagues come to search for new talent. It is coaches who are tasked with ensuring that members of the various teams deliver on the pitch, court, in the pool etc. College coaches are very influential because their job is not just to teach team members how to throw, swing or kick; their responsibility exceeds that. How a coach reacts when greatly distressed during or after a game can greatly influence how team members behave in similar times. It is only that, for them, it won’t necessarily be limited to the field, court etc; they may actually extend it to their daily lives.

It is also the duty of a coach to instill sound work ethic to his or her team members. Good sportsmanship is also something that coaches teach as well as general presentation during practice sessions and games. How a coach handles all these aspects of sport will determine just how the team members carry themselves in their daily lives.


It is during the college years that an individual is supposed to learn how to become almost completely independent. There are no parents to boss them around; in fact, some might say that parents are not needed anymore. This can’t be further from the truth; parents have a very big role to play throughout their children’s college years. How parents relate with each other will greatly influence how their children view relationships. Most college kids are just that: kids, and therefore, they still need their parents to guide them through life. If parents aren’t approachable or available, chances are that their kids will never consult them on vital life issues. Instead, they will find their own solutions; this, of course, can have dire consequences both in the immediate and distant future.


College professors have a duty to ensure that their students not only get the best possible academic knowledge but life related teachings, as well. Most college students view their professors in high regard probably because of their achievements and what they have gone through to make it to where they are at present. A professor can either use this high opinion to impact positively or negatively on the lives of their students. All this can be achieved simply through the words they use and the things they do both in and out of the lecture hall.


Author Bio

Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to education. In this article, he describes the importance of role models in students lives and aims to encourage further study with a masters in coaching and athletic administration.

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