Selecting a college degree that brings reward


selecting a college degreeWith a tough job market awaiting those college students that will graduate within the next few years, selecting a college degree that brings reward has become paramount to finding gainful employment. So while parents certainly want to encourage their kids to shoot for a career they’re going to love, they definitely don’t want them staring down the barrel of student loan debt with nothing to show for it but a job at Starbucks and a stack of useless resumes.

The key for most parents is helping their students to find a major that they love that leads to a growing job market. This is no easy feat, but with a few simple tips and tricks at your disposal you should be able to uncover options for any student, regardless of their strengths and preferences. Here are some suggestions to get your student on track for a college degree that will really pay off after graduation.

Do the research

The first thing to do is compile a list of industries that currently seem to be expanding, and there are a few that fit the bill. Anything having to do with the medical industry seems to be on the rise these days, thanks in part to health care reform, but also related to the fact that the baby boomer generation is entering the age of retirement just when there looks to a drought of qualified medical professionals. So the healthcare industry is a solid choice for now and perhaps the next 10-20 years, if forecasts are to be believed. Engineering of all types is also growing, but especially the field of computer engineering (no surprise there). Also taking off is green industry, due in large part to the current administration’s eco-friendly policies, although a growing consumer market for green solutions doesn’t hurt. In truth, green technology is growing by leaps and bounds, so an eco-engineering sort of degree could be extremely lucrative in the years to come. There are, of course, other fields to consider, as well. Not only are kids strong in math and science doing well right now, but those who are creative are finding jobs in the online arena thanks to the growth of blogging and internet marketing campaigns (textual, graphic, and even video).

Match your student’s interests with the career paths

Once you’ve compiled a list of job markets that are growing steadily (without suffering periodic layoffs) it’s time to sit down with your student to talk about finding interests, talents, and skills that may match up with some of the exciting career paths that appear to be taking off at the moment. This is a great way for students to think about what they like and want and how their preferences align with markets that are currently growing.

Select the right fit colleges

From there it’s just a matter of selecting schools that offer reputable and highly-regarded programs in the specific major your student has chosen, whether that means attending MIT for a computer science degree or considering University of Miami masters degrees as your student plans for their future in engineering. The right fit colleges should not only offer these preferred degree plans, but fit your student’s academic and social needs.

Once you and your student have done the research to discover which types of degrees are currently in demand, all that remains is to select a major that best suits your student’s interests and abilities and choose a school that delivers the best opportunities for job placement. College isn’t “all about the money”, but you want your student to be able to enter the job market in their chosen field after graduation.

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