5 ways to go green on campus


green campusIf there’s one thing that’s almost universally true about teenagers it’s that they’re fairly self-involved, and getting them interested in altruistic pursuits can be a chore. But as they get older and start to figure out who they are and what drives them, it may become easier to get them fired up about social and environmental challenges. Most young adults are full of energy and they want to do their part to make the world a better place. If you want to give your own college student some direction, you might suggest that he join the ongoing crusade to make the Earth a cleaner, greener place for all of humanity through his eco-friendly efforts. And here are just a few ways that you can get him on board with doing his part for the environment, and hopefully urging others to go green on campus.

  1. Provide reusable products. Before you send your child off to college, he’ll no doubt need a slew of new stuff to take with him. While you can certainly reuse items from around the house rather than buying brand new, or make efforts to purchase products made from recycled materials, you might also consider looking for ways to reduce the impact of the many disposable products he’s likely taking with him. For example, you could get him a razor and strop for shaving so he won’t have to toss razor cartridges anymore. And plenty of college students looking to cut costs have resorted to old-school hankies for their winter colds rather than using tissues. You could also give him reusable totes so that he never again has to take plastic or paper bags from a store.
  2. Organic linens. The twin XL bed is an odd size, practically only used in dorms, which means his favorite sheets are staying at home and you’re purchasing new bedding. But instead of grabbing any old thing at the store, consider looking for all organic linens (sheets, comforter, pillows, even curtains) as a way to cut his carbon footprint when he’s getting his zees.
  3. Locally-sourced goods. One great way to encourage your student to go green on campus is to help him find options around town where he can get locally-sourced and organic goods. You could start by looking for a weekly farmer’s market nearby where he can get some fresh fruits and veggies for his dorm room. And you may also find markets, restaurants, and even clothing stores that provide the community with greener goods.
  4. Conservation. One of the easiest ways to go green (aside from using recycling bins on campus) is to try to conserve energy and water. Even though he’s not responsible for air conditioner system maintenance in his room, perhaps he should think about leaving the AC off and finding other ways to stay cool. He could also unplug electronics when they’re finished charging or not in use. And as for water, he might consider showering every other day instead of daily. It’s doesn’t take much to cut energy and water consumption significantly, even on campus.
  5. Outreach efforts. While your student can certainly do his part, he might be so gung-ho about environmentalism that he wants to involve others. In this case there are likely clubs he can join on campus or national groups that he can sign up with. At the very least he can tell his peers about easy changes they can make on behalf of the planet and their own continued existence.


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