Off to college? Tips for getting along with roommates


college roommatesWe’ve all seen movies about the college experience, ripe with parties, drinking and new experiences. The reality of it is, living with roommates isn’t always one big love-fest. How you get along with your roommates impacts your entire college experience, so follow these tips designed to help you coexist peacefully.

Create a System

When more than one person shares a small space, it tends to become a matter of who left the thermostat up, why there’s a pile of dishes in the sink, and whose turn it is to clean the bathroom. Head off trouble by creating a chore list that clearly outlines who has each duty on any given day. Work together to come up with a fair list, so no one carries an unfair load.

Carve out Your Own Space

If possible, make sure you each have a place to go when you need time alone. If your residence is large enough, you can escape to your own bedroom. Relax, open your laptop or watch some TV. Netflix and Hulu are great options that allow you to stream video and television using any PC or Apple device. This personal time will help unwind and enjoy something you want to see. Otherwise, find a study hall, bookstore, library or lounge to use as an escape hatch.

Employ the ’24-Hour Rule’

Have you ever noticed how something that drives you crazy one day seems totally unimportant the next? Before you categorize something as a problem, give yourself a 24-hour cooling-off period. Unless, of course, your roommate enjoys starting fires. You might want to get on top of that problem right away.

Keep Your Own Counsel

Gossiping about your roommate has zero chance of improving your relationship. If you have something to say about your roommate, be brave enough to say it directly. If you have a problem that’s not important enough to voice, it may not be all that important.

Create Roommate Experiences

It’s wonderful when experiences occur organically and relationships magically find their feet. That’s not always the case, though. You can prod the process along by including your roommates in activities you enjoy. Ask them to a concert, fair or party. Most importantly, learn to be a good listener. Take time to focus on your roommates without worrying about what you’re going to say. You may be surprised by how much you learn about them and how appreciative they are of your support.

Spread Your Wings

No one wants to be responsible for being a roommate’s only friend. Take the opportunity to meet as many people as possible on campus. It will not only offer variety, but it teaches you more about yourself and where you fit. Play sports, join clubs and taking advantage of time in public areas.

Keep It all in Perspective

If you’re lucky, undergrad will span four years. While it seems huge while you’re in the midst of finals, tuition loans and social obligations, the time truly does speed by. Before you know it, college will be a fond memory. No matter how big a problem seems while you’re going through it, it’s a blip on the radar screen of your life. Try to remember that you’re not only in college to earn a degree, but to fine-tune the important social skills needed to help you succeed in the real world.


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