Smart snacks to eat while studying


Studying is hungry work, but choosing the wrong foods to satisfy this hunger can actually decrease your energy levels and sabotage your healthy diet.  Chips, cookies and other snacks consisting of simple carbohydrates provide bursts of energy, but this energy quickly dissipates, so you experience crashes.  Instead of binging on junk food, eat healthy, balanced, smart snacks, like the five suggested below, to ease your cravings, fuel your brain, and keep both your diet and your education on track.

healthy snacksApple Slices or Celery and Peanut Butter

Apple slices or celery sticks paired with one to two tablespoons of peanut butter provide a good mix of carbohydrates, fat, and protein to keep you full and alert while you pursue your education.   Celery sticks are lower in calories and sugar than apple slices, so if you need to munch constantly, these are the smarter choice.  If, however, you are feeling sluggish and sleepy, opt for apple slices.  They will give your blood sugar more of a boost.

When choosing a peanut butter, select a natural brand without added sugar or hydrogenated oils.  Eating brands that have added sugars, like corn syrup or table sugar, may give you a sugar rush, but the energy boost will not last.  Because the sugars in these peanut butters are simple sugars, your body processes them rapidly.  This means a crash will quickly follow the initial sugar rush.


These immature soybean pods are packed with protein and low in fat, so you can munch them while you study to fill your stomach and fuel your brain.  You just need to boil or microwave the pods and add your choice of seasonings to make a delicious and nutritious snack.

Popular toppings for edamame include salt, soy sauce, sesame oil, lemon, chili powder, curry powder, rice vinegar and peanut oil.  If you tend to get hungry easily while studying, consider topping the edamame with a small amount of some type of oil or some chopped nuts.  These ingredients add healthy fat to help you feel more satisfied.

Greek Yogurt and Fruit

Greek yogurt is a great source of protein, and its creamy texture can help ease cravings for less healthy dairy products like ice cream.  You can eat the yogurt straight from a container or use it as a dip for fresh fruit.  Plain yogurt makes an excellent dip, but if you prefer a little sweetness, you can mix in some honey.

To get the most satisfaction out of your snack, choose a low-fat yogurt or add nuts to non-fat yogurt.  The added fat will balance your snack and help to better satisfy your hunger.

Air-Popped Popcorn

If you’re craving chips, consider eating air-popped popcorn instead.  Popcorn is lower in calories and fat than chips, so you can eat a lot of it without having to feel guilty.  It is also high in fiber.  This fiber will fill you up and help to stabilize your blood sugar, so you can avoid crashes and maintain your focus.

Avoid topping your popcorn with butter and salt.  Butter adds calories and fat, and excessive dietary sodium is responsible for many serious health problems.  Eating too much salt will also make you thirsty.

Fresh Vegetables and Hummus

Made from chick peas and olive oil, hummus is high in fat and protein.  Paired with fresh vegetables, it makes a delicious balanced snack, so eating it will keep you feeling full and focused as you advance your education.

Because it is relatively high in healthy fat, hummus is calorically dense.  This means a little bit goes a long way.  To keep your calorie intake down, avoid using a multi-serving container for dipping.  Instead, buy single-serving containers or portion hummus into individual servings prior to eating it.

There is no need to compromise your health for the sake of your education.  By choosing healthy snacks, like the ones above, you will ensure both your body and brain stay in great shape.


Author Bio

Sarah Daren is a writer who creates informative articles relating to the field of health. In this article, she offers a few nutritious foods to consume while studying and aims to encourage continued studies with an online masters of education.

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