Juniors and seniors in high school are looking toward the fall and standardized testing. For seniors, it’s the last chance to get their best score before the college applications are submitted. For juniors the fall test can be a good indicator of areas that need improvement and require more preparation. Taking advantage of the summer to prepare for these tests is just smart academic sense.
Following are ten summer SAT study tips to help your student prepare for standardized tests in the fall.
- Read-All SAT test experts will tell you that reading is one of the best and easiest ways to prepare for the SAT. Reading for entertainment is helpful, but reading for content and purpose will help with the reading part of the SAT.
- Utilize self-paced study-Use the Official SAT Study Guide produced by the College Board and study at your own pace. Use the free online prep as well. Set a schedule to study, however, and stick with it.
- Take a practice test-Practice tests help you evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Set aside time to complete them just like you would on test day. It helps to familiarize you with time constraints and focus on the test itself without distractions.
- Sign up for an SAT course-There are a variety of courses available throughout the summer, both in person and online. Online SAT courses offer students flexible accessibility to test prep solutions that cater to each individual. Barrons Test Prep offers a diagnostic test, lesson videos, practice materials and reports that help your student track their progress. The price is affordable and they offer a free trial to test out their service.
- Hire a private tutor-Many students need the one-on-one instruction that a private tutor can give. Tutors can help your student evaluate their academic strengths and give them personalized academic tutoring which will help with the standardized tests. Before you hire them, however, do the research.
- Sign up for the SAT question of the day-This is just another way to familiarize yourself with the test and practice one question each day. Sometimes smaller dozes of studying help break it up and can be easier to remember.
- Boost your vocabulary-Use flash cards, sign up to receive an SAT word of the day in your email, post words on the refrigerator, and talk about them with the family at dinner. Crossword puzzles also help increase your vocabulary.
- Write-Practice writing essays by journaling or blogging. Since most of communication today is done by texting or IM speak, it’s good to write using correct grammar, syntax and complete sentences.
- Study with a friend-The buddy system helps your student stay accountable.
- Review math skills-The math part of the SAT requires knowledge of basic math concepts and formulas. SAT books provide an index of the math skills required and the practice tests give your student and idea of the type of math questions they will need to become familiar with.
SAT prep doesn’t need to be torturous. In small doses your student will retain what they learn and won’t be cramming the last few weeks before the test. Summer is the perfect time to spread the study out.
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