College experts that warm my heart this Thanksgiving


Happy ThanksgivingAs I was thinking about a post for Thanksgiving I began thinking about all the college experts I am thankful for. Their encouragement and expertise has contributed to my parent readers and helped many parents of college-bound teens this year. If you’re not acquainted with them, you should be.

Wendy David-Gaines

This woman is my hero, in more ways than one and her expertise on parenting college-bound teens and keeping your sanity is second to none. Every Wednesday we collaborate on a relevant parenting topic. If you haven’t seen her blog, read her book, or read her articles at, you’re missing out on some extremely valuable information.

Celest Horton

Celest is committed to helping parents by creating podcasts at “How to Pay for College HQ”. She interviews experts in the college process, giving parents tips on how to maximize the best tools and find the money to pay for college. She’s a mom (and a great one, I might add). Just ask her kids!

Jodi Okun

Jodi is my go-to financial aid expert and the host of #CollegeCash on Thursday evenings. She has partnered with Zinch to provide parents with an affordable course, “A Parents Guide to Making College More Affordable.” She’s a great friend and a valuable expert source for parents.

Paul Hemphill

Paul is every parent’s friend. He dispenses the cold, hard truth about the college process. If you haven’t watched his YouTube videos, you’re missing out. He recently launched a new blog, “The Ugly Blog” that dispenses the information parents need to hear.

The team at Zinch

The team at Zinch works day in and day out to help students find scholarships and provide information to help parents with the college prep process. Their weekly scholarships and their matching scholarship service put them at the top of my list for a go-to scholarship matching site.

Monica Matthews

Monica is a mom and a scholarship superstar. She has been able to send her kids to college by finding scholarships and applying using her time-tested technique. If you don’t have her book, “How to Win Scholarships”, it’s a must-have for every parent who wants to finance college with scholarships.

The parents

If you’re a parent of a college-bound teen, I’m thankful for you as well. You struggle to juggle your life, your finances, and all the college prep steps involved in applying to colleges. In my eyes (and in the eyes of your college-bound teen), you’re superstars!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and enjoy your break with family and friends. Thank you for your continued support this year and into next.


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