Top 3 Ways a Test Prep Tutor Will Improve Your Test Score


test prepStandardized tests such as the ACT, PSAT, and SAT have a lengthy tenure, and they are unlikely to disappear in the near future. They continue to serve as a valuable component of college applications and therefore must be approached very critically. Given the competitiveness of college admissions, a growing number of parents are seeking tutors to guide their children in preparing for these crucial assessments.

So, how can a test prep tutor best assist your student?

Teaching test-taking strategies: The makers of these tests typically rely upon question banks of thousands of problems for each portion of the assessment, so students can succeed when they learn the appropriate strategies for solving these types of questions, rather than just the correct answers. A talented tutor can teach your child how to approach difficult problems, decode mathematics questions, and work through verbal passages – even those with unknown vocabulary.

As these tests are timed, students with strong time management skills are more likely to earn higher scores; possessing the correct answers to the remaining questions won’t matter if time runs out and you are unable to answer them. Depending on the test, it may be useful to either skip more difficult problems or answer them with educated guesses – tutors familiar with the grading of the examination will identify which strategies are useful, as well as how a student’s time should be spent.

Recognizing strengths and improving weaknesses: No two test-takers are alike; the ACT and SAT are standardized, but the individuals who complete them are not. Everyone has certain areas where they consistently perform well and areas where they struggle (perhaps with decoding problems, working toward the right answer, or identifying key vocabulary). A capable tutor will assess your child’s abilities and develop a plan for improvement in his or her weakest subjects.

Many students who excel in the multiple-choice section often struggle with their writing, or vice-versa. Addressing an essay prompt within a specific period of time is a skill your child may or may not possess. A tutor will be able to aid your student in brainstorming, outlining, and writing within the exam’s time limits, all without sacrificing valuable time that could be applied to other portions of the test.

Developing motivation: Reviewing for a standardized test can be a lonely endeavor – unless your student is working in a study group or completing study sessions in school, he or she will likely be reviewing alone. A great test preparation tutor will provide guidance, motivation, and encouragement. Preparing for an assessment can be stressful; students may not grasp the point of devoting so much time to an examination, or they may become overwhelmed by how much the ACT or SAT matters on a college application. A tutor will assist with this. Undoubtedly, the tutor will have his or her own experiences with taking the test and applying for college and university, and he or she can serve as a fantastic role model for your student.


Richard Bamattre is a professional tutor and contributing writer for Varsity Tutors. He holds a Master’s in Education from UCLA.

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