50 More College Prep Websites


college prep websites
Recently I posted an updated version of 56 college info websites. Following are 50 more college prep websites to help with college prep and more.

Financial Aid

1. http://www.howtopayforcollegehq.com – Weekly podcast to help parents pay for college using debt free strategies.
2. https://collegeabacus.com – A financial aid calculator to help compare college net price calculators and determine the cost of college.
3. http://costoflearning.com – This tool gives college applicants and their families insight and clarity into understanding the TRUE cost of college.
4. http://www.collegemoneyman.com – A podcast with information for parents and students about financial aid and scholarships.
5. http://www.financialaidletter.com – Read real college financial aid award letters and get tips on decoding and translating them.
6. http://www.customcollegerankings.com – A powerful yet easy-to-use tool to help find and compare colleges.

College Searches

7. http://www.collegemeasures.org – Makes available key data through websites enabling users to make smarter college decisions.
8. https://statfuse.com – This tool helps students determine their chances of getting in to a specific college.
9. http://www.ctcl.org – College That Change Lives supports a student-centered college search process providing information on colleges that indeed change lives.
10. http://collegelists.pbworks.com/ – Wiki lists of all kinds of search criteria about the college search.
11. http://www.collegedata.com – An online tool to search for colleges, calculate your chances, track admissions, search for scholarships and more.
12. http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/ – Get all the data and information on colleges before you make your college list.
13. http://www.collegeview.com/index.jsp – A search engine allowing you to choose specific categories related to college and gather information for the college list.
14. http://www.collegefactual.com – Find a college and a major that fits your student with an affordable degree you can use.
15. http://www.ratemyprofessors.com – Search and rate professors and scope out new ones for the upcoming semester; explore comprehensive database for school ratings, reviews and more.

College Planning

16. http://www.parenttoolkit.com – A toolkit that helps parents keep track of their child’s educational journey from PreK through high school.
17. http://www.sreducationgroup.org – Comprehensive information for students about their options for school.
18. http://www.ubind.co – A site where you can tour universities, bind with recruiters and plan for college.
19. http://www.college-connections.com – Expert college advice and educational consulting services to empower students for admissions success.
20. http://collegeappwizard.com – This tool walks you through each step of the college planning process and helps you organize all the information in one location.
21. http://collegeprepready.com – A college success coach that helps parents and students transition into college, providing them with tools to enter college prep with a competitive edge.
22. http://jlvcollegecounseling.com – College counselor who helps families through the college admission process.
23. http://www.collegeright.com – Helps students become savvy college shoppers and empower them to take control of the application process.
24. http://collegeconnect.info – Personalized college planning, guidance and support.
25. http://www.ivywise.com – Admissions counseling empowering students to reach their academic goals.
26. http://www.sixstepcollegeapplication.com – Admissions counseling with free downloads for parents and an excellent blog.
27. http://internationalcollegecounselors.com – Personalized college advice and counseling.
28. http://www.bestcollegefit.com – Advice for parents and students from an expert offering a blog, events and workshops.

Test Prep / Tutors

29. http://directhitseducation.com – Books and course to help prepare you for standardized tests.
30. http://www.edupath.com – An online test prep service that lets parents follow their teen’s training and progress.
31. http://www.mytowntutors.com – A tutoring resource for parents and a place where tutors can register.
32. http://preppedandpolished.com – In person or online tutoring and test prep to help with college admissions.
33. https://grockit.com – An online test prep service for students with personalized learning and analysis.
34. https://benchprep.com – Test prep platform offering interactive courses and personalized learning.

Scholarship Searches

35. http://scholarshipopportunity.org – A series of books and a search tool that features a comprehensive list of scholarships, internships, and fellowships for all demographics.
36. https://www.scholarshipexperts.com – A scholarship directory and search engine to help parents and students find free college money.


37. http://www.collegeessayorganizer.com – A search tool that delivers essay topics and helps students organize all essay questions in one place.
38. http://www.collegeessayguy.com – Free resources, one-on-one essay sessions, online webinars, and in-person workshops to help with the college essay.

Social Media

39. http://www.socialassurity.com – Helps teens, college students and athletes optimize their online presence.

Parent Information, Advice and Blogs

40. http://www.road2college.com – A blog for parents giving the scoop on college admissions and financing.
41. http://teenlife.com – Their mission is to help teens and their parents find and participate in meaningful learning opportunities (also provide an excellent blog with topics related to college prep)
42. http://knowsymoms.com – A place for college parents and pre-college parents to gather and read stories and advice from other parents. and get college advice.
43. http://www.collegeadmissionbook.com – Great information for parents and students about college admissions.
44. http://www.pocsmom.com – Expert insider advice from a parent on college prep and the parent role in the process.
45. http://www.morethanatestscore.com – A must read blog from Zinch for parents and students who are heading to college.
46. http://blog.thecollegeplanninggroup.com – Excellent blog with information for parents and students about college admissions.
47. http://www.collegeparents.org – A place for parents of the college-bound to ask and find answers about the college prep process.
48. http://www.harlancohen.com – Get advice from the author of several books about college and a mini-course for parents.


49. http://simplebookswap.com – Buy, sell and swap used  textbooks with local students.

Study Abroad

50. http://www.semesteratsea.org – A multiple country study abroad program with credits that transfer to college.

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19 thoughts on “50 More College Prep Websites”

    1. My pleasure. I’m always happy to pass along resources to parents, especially when I believe in what you are doing.

  1. I also have two websites
    getmetocollege.org= free website for first generation students as they aspire towards college
    allcollegessays.org = website and app with all college application essay requirements and tips.

  2. Thanks for including us AND for putting together such an extensive list of sites. This list should be a “go-to” for all parents involved in the college planning process.

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