Saying Goodbye to Your College-Bound Teen


saying goodbyeI know I’m a bit premature, but the time will creep up on you before you know it. While you’re busy preparing for that fateful day, the reality is you will soon be saying goodbye. Use the next few months to plan and prepare. Being prepared and making the summer special will help you cope when you leave college on move-in day, shut the door, and realize your little baby is now considered an adult.

Go with them on dorm shopping trips

It goes without saying that your college-bound teen is going to need dorm furnishings and supplies.There are numerous sites that provide parents and students with dorm essential lists, Check out the resources provided by Bed, Bath and Beyond for a campus checklist. This shopping trip can be fun and exciting for both parents and students—make a day of it!

Make the last few days (and weeks) special

Schedule some “date nights” with your college-bound teen. Do some things they love and make the time special. Schedule some family nights and if possible, a family vacation. These days and weeks will help your student cope with homesickness later during the year, and you cope with empty nest syndrome when they are gone.

Have a goodbye party

Nothing says goodbye like a party. Make it memorable by inviting their friends, splurging on some great barbecue, and even providing a cake. Decorate the space or backyard by creating banners with their new college logo and goodbye banners wishing them well.

Talk about expectations on move-in day

Don’t hang around when you’re not wanted. If your student wants you to help them move-in, help and then leave. Some parents take their student to dinner after move-in and then say goodbye. Don’t embarrass them and let go when it’s time.

Saying goodbye is never easy; but if you prepare in advance for the eventuality and make the most of the time, waving goodbye on move-in day will be easier.

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