Your Daughter Wants to Join a Sorority?


sororityStanding on the sidelines of one of the most important decisions of her life is not an easy task. This blog post is meant to inspire moms and dads alike during the process of if your daughter wants to join a sorority, and everything you need to know about the process. It’s a rather busy schedule of events and experiences; positive, outside influence can mean the world to her during this time.

First off, the best way to approach the recruitment process and your daughter’s consideration of whether to join a sorority or not is to simply leave the choice up to her. This does not mean be an innocent bystander, but instead a constant encouragement to her to follow her heart. Let her know that either way you will still be there for her, helping her find where she belongs on campus.

Next, make sure you’ve considered as parents what the additional cost of living in a sorority might mean for your family. Whether you’re helping out your daughter with her tuition or living expenses at college, living in a sorority does add additional costs to life for her. Be understanding and helpful during this process – making sure no one gets overwhelmed with how much things are adding up. First year is definitely the most expensive, but it’s important to know there are financial costs throughout the entire sorority experience.

We know she’s got a good head on her shoulders – but make sure to talk about some of her expectations for partying, alcohol use, involvement, etc. Some stereotypes of sororities sound pretty scary, and it’s important to talk through those things with her before she jets off into unknown territory. Bad and scary things can happen to anyone; but a plan of action and expectations based in reality can go a long way to keep her safe and happy.

After she pledges, her whole world is going to change. It’s going to be a little scary jumping in headfirst to new relationships with sisters, and living up to the expectations of the house. Help her during this time by realizing her perspective on important things in college is going to shift… her priorities toward schoolwork might change with her sorority’s grades expectations, her perspective on friendships might alter due to being surrounded by best friends all the time. Whatever the changes are, let her know you’re still there as a constant in her life! Help her know your home is open to her new friends, and that you’re more than excited to come out for dads’ weekend and family week. As much as things change, also remind her of who she is apart from sorority life; she’s still your baby girl and a world changer. She’ll need reminding of this often!

Speaking of reminding her of her identity… help keep her focused on what she can do for the sorority and ways she can be involved instead of getting frustrated about not being able to do it all. There are a lot of expectations that come with sorority life. It’ll be easy for her to get overwhelmed at how involved she is expected to be in her sorority and outside of her sorority. Coach alongside her as she navigates the ins and outs of balancing sorority life and regular life.

Always be a cheerleader, supporter, and encourager! Her sorority life isn’t going to affect her alone – it’ll change your perspective and involvement as well. We know it’ll be a great experience for you all.


Amy Furrow is the owner of A Greek Concept an online retailer of licensed Greek merchandise. She’s got drive, heart, and passion – something Greek life is all about. From Sorority gifts like clothing, jewelry, and pin boxes, as well as Fraternity coolers, clothing, and glassware; A Greek Concept is filled to the brim with options for every Sorority sister or Fraternity brother.

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