Truth or Fiction: Are Boarding Schools Exclusive?


Hollywood has warped the concept of a boarding school. Many people think of these schools as private country clubs that are expensive and exclusive. The truth is that these schools are very diverse, with children from all over the world attending classes and participating in their extracurricular activities.  A local neighborhood school relies on the community for students, but boarding students come from everywhere. Because you live with your classmates, you actually have more opportunities to get to know them and learn about their culture.

Around one-third of the students receive some type of financial assistance to help with their tuition. An education at a boarding school is much more accessible than ever. Many schools offer grants, scholarships, and loan programs for families who want their children to receive a rigorous education. Read further for more information about the diversity and availability of a private education that emphasizes personal growth and academics.

Click graphic below to see entire infographic.

boarding schools

Infographic from Athol Murray College of Notre Dame

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