Wednesdays Parent: Test Prep-The Key to the College Kingdom


tutoring test prepThere are two standardized tests that are accepted by almost every university: the SAT and the ACT. Choosing which of these two tests is right for your skills and study habits can increase your likelihood of scoring high enough for the top universities as well as make the standardized testing process much less stressful.

Even though there are test optional colleges available (and the debate continues on whether or not they are truly test optional) the standardized tests are still the golden key that colleges use to measure academic capability in college.

Here are five reasons why your student should take test prep seriously:

  1. The majority of students do not prepare for standardized tests.
  2. Higher test scores mean more merit aid. A high score on the PSAT alone can mean a full ride scholarship.
  3. Preparing for the test reduces stress.
  4. Doing practice tests help you get used to time constraints and complete the actual test on time.
  5. Colleges use these test scores to compare you with other students.

Due to the differences between the two tests, it is beneficial to pick the test that will be the best fit for you. The ACT is a better pick for someone that has had a strong academic career in high school. If you have not taken a strong math and science course load, than the SAT will probably be a better option for you. To do well on the ACT, you need to have memorized math and science concepts and formulas, which is fairly easy if you have a strong background in math and science.

Whichever test you decide to take, there is no better way to prepare than taking practice tests. Take as many practice tests as you possibly can. This not only familiarizes you with the types of questions you will see on the test, but also prepares you for working under time limits. On both tests, the time constraints are difficult. Taking practice tests helps you to get faster at doing problems, so that you can finish more of the problems when you take the actual test. It may be wise to take practice tests of both the SAT and the ACT to see which one you do better on. Taking a real version of both of the tests is also not a bad idea.

Read Wendy’s Post: Ins and Outs of Standardized Tests


Wednesday’s child may be full of woe but Wednesday’s Parent can substitute action for anxiety. Each Wednesday Wendy and I will provide parent tips to get and keep your student on the college track. It’s never too late or too early to start!

The bonus is that this Wednesday Wendy and I will host Twitter chat #CampusChat at 9pm ET/6pm PT. Our guest this week will be Claire Griffith of Directs Hits Education discussing the SAT vs ACT.

Wednesday’s Parent will give twice the info and double the blog posts on critical parenting issues by clicking on the link at the end of the article from parentingforcollege to and vice versa.

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