How to Become an Entrepreneur Before College


entrepreneurWhen it comes to entrepreneurship there are many stories, both of success and horror. A good one of success, is that of Anne F. Beiler or Auntie Anne’s, from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She came from a family of eight children and was the designated baker. Before she started making pretzels, she worked other jobs such as waitressing and looking after a food stand at the farmer’s market. When she started selling hand-rolled pretzels in 1987, she had yet to earn her college degree. Her first time was at a market stand in Maryland. Then, in 1988 at a market stand in Pennsylvania, she officially named her product Auntie Anne’s Pretzels. Later in life, she received honorary doctorate degrees from both Elizabethtown College and Eastern University.

The story of Auntie Anne proves that being an entrepreneur before college is possible and if she can do it, you can too. If you have a good idea for a product or service, pursue it. Start by taking a pen and piece of paper and come up with a blueprint for your product or service. Do your research and find out if similar products currently exist in the market or have in the past.  Did or does the product sell? Was it or is it a flop? What made or is making the idea succeed? What made or is making it fail? Find out as much information as you can and make revisions to your idea accordingly, to make it better.

Next, put your product or service to the test. Invite some friends over and present it to them. It is important, of course, to try out your idea on your target market. Are you selling to mothers or single women? Are you selling to fathers or single men? Give them a sample, if possible, to find out how well your product or service will be received. Keep in mind to also consider, as an entrepreneur, what payment methods you will accept and how you will accept them.

It’s also a good idea to get advice from someone you trust and respect as a businessman or businesswoman. Getting a second opinion is always a good thing because they might be able to see things that you don’t and can provide an alternative prospective. Always get constructive criticism from someone who can help you on your way to success.

Finally, as soon as you are confident in your product and have a clear idea of who you want to sell your product to, develop a marketing plan and take advantage of your student status to get as many potential customers or referrals as possible.

It is possible to become an entrepreneur before or even during college. You just need a clear understanding of where you want to be and the direction you need to take to get there and you’ll be on your way.

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