Time Management Tips to Calm College Student Stress


Stress in colleges exceeds other learning institutions due to the excessive expectations from the society and the parents. There are however, some several factors that when considered and applied, can effectively reduce this effect on the students on a large scale. It is expected that you will put to use these five essential time management factors to reduce your levels college student stress.

image1Avoid Peer Pressure

The fact that you are in college means that you get to have an uncontrolled freedom to act as you like. This can be, if utilized properly, a great asset for you, or the reason for your downfall. You should be able to be self-driven, and able to determine the limits of your interactions.

Have your own focused goals and priorities and follow them diligently. Prioritizing your goals rather than over indulging with your peers may come across as selfish but this is one of the greatest ways to reduce stress in college. It is okay to say No sometimes.

college student stressSleep is Essential

Depriving yourself of sleep is never a good idea. This is an indication that you have been failing to manage your time effectively. You have almost certainly been a victim or witnessed someone falling asleep in class due to lack of enough sleep. This can be because of excessive partying or you trying desperately to catch up on class work. However, you will find yourself wasting a lot of time trying to nap during the day, as you could have been doing something more beneficial during that time if you had gotten enough sleep during the night.

college student stressProcrastination is the Thief of Time

Procrastination is a major contributing factor to the high levels of stress in colleges. Students in the first weeks of school, tend to occupy themselves with other activities not related to their studies. This builds up a workload that will be cumbersome to deal with as the semester ends and students often use services that do my essay for them as shortcuts to their own work. Do today what you plan on doing tomorrow to reduce your level of stress in the end.

Truancy directly relates to more stress

college student stressAbsenteeism is one of the major causes of stress in college students. Missing classes might seem like a fun idea at the time but only results in you having to look for more time to play catch up with your peers as the semester ends. This is mostly seen when you will be running up and down in an attempt to seek out your class lecturers to explain more on topics that you missed. Truancy also leads to borrowing of notes at the last minute takes up more of your time, as you are not familiar with your peer’s handwriting or shortened notes.

college student stressTake Control of your Time

Be a diligent master of your own time. Avoid shifting blame to unnecessary parties such as your teachers dishing out too much work that messes up with your time to study. To avoid stress in school, learn how to prioritize your tasks effectively with the time that you already have and avoid blaming others on your mismanagement of time.

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