Getting Ready for Dorm Life


dorm life

With offers of admission rolling in from ED and EA applications, now is a good time to start thinking about preparing for dorm life in the fall. With stores offering huge discounts during the holidays, there’s no better time to start stockpiling those dorm essentials in preparation for move in day.

College is an exciting time and getting ready for the move is a busy time. It’s essential to prepare and pack for your dorm as well as to think about some considerations associated with dorm life. The following tips will help you prepare for this important time in your life.

Dorm Rules

Before you run out to purchase expensive appliances, be sure to consult dorm room policies and procedures. Your dorm floor may have a fully-functioning kitchen and might frown on dorm-room appliances like hotpots used for cooking. You can also find out exactly what’s included in the dorm room–usually a closet, desk, and bed. Some universities will even supply a checklist of common items that their students bring along.


You’ll need to bring bedding with you like sheets, pillowcases, and blankets. Bed Bath & Beyond has stylish and affordable bedding sets that you can purchase for use at college. You’ll find a great selection of throw pillows that will add to your comfort and can even be used on the floor to prop you up when doing homework.


If you college provides you with the name and number for your dorm roommate, it’s a good idea to talk about a few things before moving in together. For instance, it can help to map out some rules for living together. Although everyone’s bedtime preference is different and something you’ll just have to deal with, you can agree on times when the television or music should be turned off out of consideration for the one who as that 8 AM class the next morning. You can also work out things such as who is bringing the T.V., coffee maker, or other items you’d be willing to share.

Shower Robe and Caddy

Since few dorm rooms have their own bathroom and shower, you’ll need to prepare for life in the dorm’s community bathroom. A robe, towels, and a shower caddy to tote your toiletries to and from the shower are essentials. While you’re at it, be sure to have a hamper in your room to discard your dirty laundry.

 Storage Containers

Dressers aren’t standard dorm furnishings so be sure you bring plenty of hangers to hang up your clothes and storage containers to store clothing items like socks and underwear. Additional storage items like crates or baskets can be used to hold items like books, snacks, and outer wear like hats or mittens.

 Pack for the Season

If you plan to visit home during or between semesters, you might want to pack only those clothes that you’ll need for the first semester. That way, it’ll be easier for you to keep your dorm room clean and clutter free. You want to bring along what you need, but you don’t need to bring everything either. Dorms are notoriously small, so keep the room dimensions in mind when you pack.

 Living in a dorm can be so much fun, but it’s even better when you pack and prepare well for this big move. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll find they’ll enhance your dorm room experience.


Robert Paulson is a life coach and has a grown-up family. He likes to share his insights and experiences on preparing for milestones in our life. Robert writes regularly for a number of consumer lifestyle websites.

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