FAFSA myths

FAFSA Week: 5 FAFSA Myths


FAFSA myths

This week is FAFSA week. An entire week devoted to the FAFSA. I’m going to scour the my blog, the web, and social media to find you the best information, tips and advice related to the FAFSA. If you’re a go-getter and you’ve already completed the FAFSA, congratulations! If you haven’t recovered from the holidays, these words of encouragement should help you get motivated to complete it. If you’re not sure it’s worth your time, this advice should answer that question. If you want to be informed before you complete the form, this information will most definitely help.

Today, I am debunking some FAFSA myths.

Myth 1: If you can’t qualify for federal aid, there’s no point in filing out the FAFSA.

If you don’t complete the FAFSA, you can’t apply for student and parent loans. Colleges also use these figures when determining financial aid eligibility for grants and scholarships. If you don’t complete the FAFSA, you may be missing out on this type of aid. Plus, many states use your FAFSA data to determine your eligibility for their aid. Fill out the application and find out what you can get!

Myth 2: I make too much money to qualify for financial aid.

Actually, there isn’t an income cutoff to qualify for financial aid. Your eligibility for financial aid is based on a number of factors and not just your or your parents’ income. Families who file the FAFSA automatically receive an asset protection allowance based on the age of the oldest parent. The closer you are to retirement, the larger the allowance.

Myth 3: I have too much home equity to qualify for aid.

Most colleges won’t care if you own a house and won’t count home equity against you if you do. The majority of schools rely on the federal aid application, FAFSA, which doesn’t ask parents if they own a home. If the college requires the CSS Profile, home equity is required, but because of the equity cap, has little impact on the award decision.

Myth 4: I have to wait until I file my taxes to complete the FAFSA.

Under no circumstances should you wait until you file your taxes to complete the FAFSA. The new FAFSA filing date of October 1 makes it easy. With financial aid, the rule is “first come, first served”. File early and update if necessary.

Myth 5: The form is too complicated and since I’m sure I won’t qualify, it’s a waste of my time.

The FAFSA is actually pretty straight and can be completed in one sitting; and filing out the FAFSA is never a waste of your time. Colleges and states use this information when awarding grants and scholarships.

The bottom line: there is no excuse to not complete the FAFSA. It’s free and is well worth your time. Even if you can afford to pay for the entire cost of college, you should complete the FAFSA. Colleges use this data when dispusing merit aid as well.


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