Test Prep Week: Where Do I Find Free Test Prep?


free test prep

In the last few days we’ve talked about the importance of test prep: should you hire a test prep tutor, can test prep help you win scholarships, and questions about the new SAT. But what  do you do if you’re strapped for cash and can’t afford do pay for a tutor? The good news is there is free test prep available and if your student is committed to studying and evaluating, they can still count on positive test score results.

Below are just a few free test prep resources available for students. But remember that the success of these self study programs depends on your student’s willingness to take it seriously.

Lauren Gaggilio

Lauren of Higher Scores Test Prep was a recent guest on #CampusChat and remixed parents that she offers a free mini course for the PSAT and a free one hour (no obligation) consultation to ask questions and pick her brain. For more tips from Lauren, click here to get the transcript of the chat.


I have patterned with eKnowledge to offer a free SAT/ACT test prep program. The only catch is you have to pay minimal shipping costs. The prep is extensive and we’ll worth the cost. The SAT or ACT PowerPrep™ Program comes in a single DVD, and includes more than 11 hours of video instruction and 3000 files of supplemental test prep material, thousands of interactive diagnostic tools, sample questions, practice tests and graphic teaching illustrations.  Students select the training they need and can study at their own pace

Khan Academy

With Khan Academy you can download a real, full-length SAT practice test, watch videos that work through real SAT problems with step by step solutions, and get even more practice using their interactive questions.

ACT Student

Since most experts are recommending students take the ACT until the new technology is ironed out, you can get free test prep on their site. They provide real ACT retired tests, sample test questions, test tips and test descriptions.


Chegg offers a free interactive ACT test prep program. You can watch videos, read lessons or do practice problems and learn at your own pace. You get instant scores and detailed explanations on every test problem. This is free while the beta lasts, so act now.

Bottom line: self test prep is effective only if your student is committed to a study plan, reviewing the strengths and weaknesses, and evaluates each question he answered incorrectly.

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