What Lessons Can Your Teen Learn from the 2016 Election?


2016 election

This has been an emotionally charged 2016 election process. Most of us are ready for all of it to be over—from the talking heads, to the vicious mud-slinging, to the hate speak on social media. But within every negative experience, there are always teaching moments for our children.

At some point, your student will be leaving home for college as an adult. Before she goes, use this election to discuss some key values in hopes she will take them with her. These values are more important than grades, essays, and college applications.

Don’t exaggerate, bloviate, or inflate

My how both candidates have ranted, yelled, name-called and gone on and on without saying anything relevant. We’ve heard lies from both sides and attempts to cover them up or minimize them. The lesson here is simple: speak the truth. Use your words to “say what you mean and mean what you say”.

Social media is a game changer

This election has been driven by social media. Tweets from both candidates and from Wikileaks,  blasting one another on Facebook, posting videos, newspaper articles, and memes about each of the candidates. If you think no one pays attention to what you post, think again. This election was played out online this time and could very well be won or lost because of it.

The poor choices you make always have consequences

Each candidate has been embarrassed by some of the poor choices they made in the past. Their actions came back to haunt them. Their choices had consequences. This is perhaps the most important lesson to teach your college-bound teen—think before you act. Are you willing to accept the consequences of your actions?

Think before you post, tweet or email

Everything, and I mean everything, you put online will come back to haunt you. Social media is your resume and everyone is reading it—college admissions officers, future employers, family, and friends. Before you hit the “submit” button, consider the ramifications of what you are saying.

Respect has to be earned

The country has little respect for either candidate. This is an election where most people will tell you they are choosing the “lesser of two evils.” Respect is earned when you exhibit truthful, honest, moral behavior, kindness to others, and respect for authority. You have to earn respect by your actions.

And lastly, “decisions are made by those who show up”.

Harry Truman said, “Decisions are made by those who show up.” Teach your children that voting is a crucial freedom and they should exercise their right to vote in every election. And once the decision has been made, they can rest assured they did their part to express what they feel and believe.

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