Typical Essay Mistakes to Avoid


essay mistakes

Whether you actually enjoy it or not, writing essays must be done! It’s almost a rite of passage no matter what level of schooling you are currently at. Writing a good essay is hard work, so it’s worth it to get it right the first time around.

To stand out from the rest and make your work the best, you’ll want to avoid these typical essay mistakes when writing an essay.  Efficient writing is no more a dream!

Not Proofreading

The biggest mistake people make after writing an essay it doing nothing! You write it and you’re done right? No!

To make your essay be good, it shouldn’t have any grammatical or spelling errors. No awkward or run-on sentences either. The absolute best ways to take care of these things is

  1. Make sure your spell check tool is on
  2. Read it out loud to yourself and you’ll hear the edits you need to make
  3. Have someone look it over if possible

Whatever you turn in or keep for yourself should be error free.

Not knowing your audience

Who are you writing for? A typical mistake made is the writer not setting the correct tone or using the right language according to who will be reading the essay. Make sure you get this accept right or the whole piece will be off.

Not answering the prompt

This may seem obvious, but many essays tend to get off topic. It’s important to always refer back to what question you are answering or what statement you are discussing. Don’t go off on a tangent.

The easiest way of making sure you stay on track is by tactfully connecting the point you’ve made in your paragraph back to your thesis.


  • Are there specific requirements for the essay?
  • Are you meeting them?
  • Are the citations correct in text and on the citation page according to the style?
  • Is it in the right font?

These are all considerations that must be taken into account. These very simple mistakes will affect you in a negative way, and all it takes is some extra time and care to fix them.

This list should give you the start you need in avoiding some typical mistakes. The things that are overlooked are often what need to be reassessed! Pro tip: Create a checklist of these items to use with each essay you write and it’ll ensure that there aren’t any more mistakes!

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