What Are the Career Options for Students with a Law Degree?


law degree

When your child goes to college, there may be times when he or she becomes uncertain about their career path.  This is a common predicament, and should not be met with major concern.  After all—choosing what you want to do from nine-to-five for until retirement at eighteen can feel overwhelming.  Sometimes, it is best to open up opportunities to them that they may not have realized in their degree.  If your student is pursuing a law degree but is unsure whether they want to become a lawyer or judge, luckily there are a vast array of career options they may have not considered.  Below are some career options for students with a law degree.


A legal education is an excellent platform to enter the world of business.  Whether your child is inspired to jump into a large business investment, or a small business niche, a law degree will give them an advantage that other business owners will not have.  Other business owners will have to hire professionals or spend a lot of time reading up on the subject of business law, tax law, and a host of other local, state, and federal laws to make sure they are staying within their boundaries. Education in law will also sharpen your child’s critical thinking and creativity skills so that your child can navigate through potential obstacles in the future.

Enrolled Agent

If your child has a special interest in tax law or working for the IRS, then becoming an enrolled agent may be the perfect avenue for them.  Certified enrolled agents are granted unlimited rights to represent on behalf of clients before the IRS.  Enrolled agents specialize in tax law and work with clients to resolve or settle tax issues.  To become an enrolled agent, you do not need a college degree.  In the event that your child wants to take a break between undergrad and graduate school, becoming an enrolled agent will utilize their skills while giving them valuable experience.  To become an enrolled agent, your child has two options: work for the IRS for a number of years, or take the enrolled agent exam.  The EA exam takes hours of studying, but your child can aid themselves by pursuing the best EA review courses, which include resource materials and practice exams.

Real Estate Agent

The arena of real estate is once again becoming an appealing choice for those looking for a lucrative career.  With the real estate market on the rise, more young people are entering the job market in this field.  There is a required exam to gain a licensure, but your child will already have the advantage of understanding law practices, which will give them the knowledge to stay within legal boundaries of real estate.  The analytical skills they will gain will also help them analyze the housing market and how to gauge pricing with both buyers and sellers.

Non-Profit Manager

Your child might have a passion for a fulfilling job related to human rights, saving the environment, immigration, or other venture.  In this circumstance, your child might be thrilled to know that they can work for a non-profit.  As an attorney, your child can gain a leadership position to help the non-profit direct through legalities.


If your child is pursuing a law degree, they likely have a mind for debate.  He or she may love debating you at the dinner table—much to the chagrin of your family. Help them channel their passions into a life in politics.  A deep knowledge of law and history, coupled with critical thinking and creative problem solving, will give them the understanding they need to enter politics.  Many of our presidents including one of our most acclaimed, Abraham Lincoln, had law degrees.

If your child is pursuing a law degree, help them peruse the variety of career options available.

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