ScholarPrep 5 Day Challenge for Parents and Students


parents and studnets

Every parent wants to know how to help their college-bound teen with college prep. But where do you begin and what steps should you take to help? Jordan Schanda, Founder and Owner of ScholarPrep, has created a FREE 5 day challenge for parents and students to help them stand out on their college application. Below is all the information you will need from ScholarPrep to sign up for the event.


Do you want to help your child stand out and create impressive applications?

Chances are, if you’re like the parents I’ve worked with, you have the desire to help your child succeed but you’re struggling with where to start! You want to do everything in your power to make sure they can afford the college of their dreams, but the amount of information out there is downright overwhelming!


  • Ready to help your 8th-11th grader so they can achieve their college and career dreams
  • Overwhelmed by all the information out there about preparing for college
  • Worried that college will be a financial burden on your family
  • Excited to have someone guide you through the college planning process, step-by-step

In this free 5-day challenge, I will share my secrets for creating impressive college and scholarship applications. By the end of the challenge, you will know how to help your child stand out from the crowd of applicants so that they can get into the college of their dreams and earn scholarships to pay for it!


  • WHEN: Monday, April 24th – Friday, April 28th
  • WHERE: Online via email and in our exclusive, private Facebook Group.
  • WHO: The challenge includes activities and exercises for parents and students.
  • WHY: I created this challenge to help you learn how your child can stand out! This is one of the most overlooked parts of the college planning process.


Every good challenge starts with understanding your WHY. As soon as you sign-up and confirm your email, you will receive the Pre-Challenge Worksheet. It includes questions for parents and students, but don’t worry if you are going through this challenge alone. Just answer your part and we will support you in the ScholarPreppers Facebook group!

Then, the challenge will officially kick-off on Monday, April 24th!

  • Every morning of the 5-day challenge, I will email you the topic and assignment of the day. I will also post this in the ScholarPreppers Facebook Group.
    • Don’t worry, the assignments won’t be terribly difficult or take up too much of your time, but they will be valuable!
  • Once you’ve completed the assignment, you can share with us in the group so that you have other families journeying with you and cheering you on! Remember, this group is private, so only group members can see what you post. This is a safe space to ask questions, share concerns and celebrate wins!
  • Everyday at 6 PM Central time, I will join you in the ScholarPreppers Facebook group for a LIVE video session to go over the topic and answer any questions that you have about the assignment and creating impressive applications in general.


  • How you can help your child discover their passions – and WHY this is so important
  • How your student can understand and leverage their skills and abilities
  • The importance of leadership and the difference between being a leader and being outgoing
  • Why it’s important for your child to take initiative and create their own opportunities
  • The importance of giving back to the community
  • How your student can connect their passions + skills to create really impressive college and scholarship applications


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