Avoiding Traditional College Doesn’t Have to Halt Your Teen’s Education


traditional college

If your teen thinks that going straight to college from high school is not for them then they’ve probably been questioned ‘now what?’ countless times. They’ve probably been inundated with people voicing their opinions and telling them where they should and should not go from here. They’ve probably had everyone, from you to their teachers, asking them what the plan is. If that plan is to neither go to college or jump into the world of work then fear not. There are many viable and fruitful educational options out there that involve neither traditional college or work routes but do lead to success. A few examples of such can be found below.

Community college

Just because your child doesn’t want to take the traditional college approach, it might not mean that they don’t want to carry on studying. Just because they don’t want to live in a dorm and move away from home, it might not mean that they don’t wish to get a degree. One way for your teen to get a degree without going down the traditional college route is for them to attend community college. If your teen doesn’t want to do the full four-year stretch at college then they need only do two at community college. In doing so they would earn themselves an associate’s degree.

If your teen is afraid of moving out then they can easily stay at home when attending community college. In doing so they can take this next step in their life at their own pace. If they don’t want to have to waste time continuing in general ed classes then they don’t have to if they attend community college. In doing so they can spend more time exploring their interests and refining the skills they want to refine. Community college is an incredibly viable option if college is not the route for your teen. Because of this you should do all you can to help them see past the misconceptions and stigmas attached to this route.

College online courses

Another educational option that doesn’t follow the traditional college route is the online course. The rise of online technologies in the digital age has improved education by offering learning beyond the traditional brick and mortar. Colleges use platforms such as Moodle to teach their classes online. And those who don’t go to college can use their own education platforms to get a degree. Maryville University offers online courses in all sorts of subjects, as evidenced here: http://online.maryville.edu/. These courses offer the same opportunities for students to ascend in their education and following careers as traditional classroom courses do. The only difference is, a student who takes an online course need not sit in a classroom all day. They can do the work assigned to them and meet their deadlines from the comfort of their home.

Free online courses

Another way to continue education is with other online offerings that cost a student nothing. Khan Academy has a full array of courses for students to whet their educational appetite without the pressure of grades. Colleges like Harvard also offer free university level courses to students who are interested in learning but haven’t yet decided what to study or if they want to attend a traditional four-year university. Both of these options will help students explore interests that will help them decide which career to pursue.


If your teen doesn’t want to go to college or take a step on the career ladder, yet they cannot afford a gap year, then there are other ways. There are many ways to carry on with education even when college is forgone, and these options should not be forgone themselves. Long gone are the days when it was either college or work. The world is not as black and white as it was in the past. It is no longer as cut throat. There are many options out there to facilitate education, just not in the traditional sense. So, if your child wants to avoid a ‘traditional’ college setting then you need not fear. There are still ways for them to learn and grow in other places.


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3 thoughts on “Avoiding Traditional College Doesn’t Have to Halt Your Teen’s Education”

  1. Great job Suzanne. Really it’s too unique and informative post for me and I learns lots from this post. Overall good post……..thanks for sharing.

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