A Recipe for College Success


college success

As a parent, knowing that you child has got into college is such a thrill. You are so happy for them that their hard work has paid off, and that they get to move on to the next stage of their life and better their career chances. But of course, there is a little worry and concern in that mix too. Worry about whether they will be OK, and concern for whether they will achieve their full potential in the college system. By why worry, when there are the thing that you can actually do to ensure they do their best when studying for their degrees? Just read on to find out what they are.

Help them get practically prepared

One important thing that you can do as a parent is to help your child to get partially prepared for college. This can be a thing like getting them the right supplies to survive a year in a dorm like thong sandals for the shower, and a decent frypan.

Or it can be by setting them up with a budget tracker and planner. So they can stay organized however hectic their schedule is.

It can even be helping them to have all the basics that they will need like clothes, toilets and washing powder, or a school bag and laptop.

Also if they aren’t heading to catered halls, then it’s a great idea to get some practical cooking lessons in with them in the run-up to going way from college. It doesn’t have to be anything 5 star. Just basic means like spaghetti bolognese, boiled eggs, and omelets. They will certainly be glad of these skills when they get there.

Help them improve weaker areas

Of course, college isn’t just all about being independent and exploring the world on their own, and there is a fair bit of studying to do as well. That means it can help your child prepare for college by getting their educational skills up to scratch.

This includes helping them improve with a thing like their spoken English skills by doing courses like the ones provided by the Effortless English Club. Or improving on their study skill by showing them different ways of making notes like mind mapping.  

Help them emotionally prepare

Of course, another ingredient of the recipe for college success is to help your child be mentally prepared for the experience. To do this, you may take advantage of the college open days. So they can get used to the layout and being on campus?

It’s also a great idea to speak to them about an emotional issue that might arise while they are away from home. This could be things like stress, mental health issues like depression or anxiety, sexual health issues, or being homesick.

More than anything it’s crucial to let you shall know that while their education is important, it is not vital to your parent-child relationship. This means that if they are having problems and are considering dropping out, they know that you will be there for them unconditionally and support them no matter what.

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