How Important is the College Application Essay?


Not everyone chooses to go to college, but those that do typically earn more over their working lifetime, as well as enjoy better career choices. There is clearly a lot to be gained by applying to college, but there is also a lot to lose if you don’t get a place at the college of your choice. Whether you dream of going to Stanford or UCLA, a personal statement essay is a well-documented part of the college application process.

Colleges can be highly competitive, especially if you want to go to an Ivy league college or select university. Of course, it goes without saying that you will need top grades to get into one of the most prestigious colleges, but top grades are not always enough.

It’s a Competitive World

The best colleges are always massively oversubscribed. Last year, 34,295 students applied to Harvard University. Only 2,023 were accepted, which is 5.9% of applicants. Your chances of success are higher if you apply to a state university, as competition is lower, especially on less popular courses. With top grades, you stand a good chance of being accepted at a state university, but nevertheless, an application essay still counts.

Back in 2014, a report published in Time Magazine saying that application essays, despite conventional wisdom saying otherwise, were not nearly as important as students (and their parents) believed. However, by the end of the article – and after reviewing all available evidence and data – the reporters concluded that essays could be enough to salvage a sub-standard application.

Essays Make a Difference

So, if your grades are mediocre and you lack anything special, an outstanding essay could be enough to swing the admissions officer over to your side of the table. It is also worth pointing out that most admissions officers love reading application essays. Whereas an application form offers very little information other than facts and figures, a great essay speaks volumes about the applicant.

An application essay is your chance to offer the admission officer insights into why you want to go to college, who you are, what your influences are, and anything else that makes your application stand out in a sea of generic applications. You might not have top grades, outstanding sporting ability, or come from an underrepresented minority group, but a brilliant essay could earn you a place at a great college.

Writing the Perfect Essay

It should go without saying, but some students miss this point: always read the essay guidelines before you start writing. Different colleges have different requirements for their Common Application Essay. Some colleges ask that you answer questions; others demand a 650-word essay.

Think before you write. Plan what you want to say and try to come up with a topic or angle that offers valuable insights into who you are and why the college should offer you a place. Naturally, you should think twice before you pay for essay writing services. Plenty of students use essay writing services to produce term papers, but it’s a high-risk strategy. Paying an online essay writing service to produce your college application is not advisable. For one thing, the essay could be plagiarised, and for another, it won’t be a genuine reflection of you, the student, apart from suggesting you have dubious morals, which is not what any college admissions officer wants to see in a prospective student.

Speak to your tutors if you don’t know where to start, but your best bet is to describe your life and make the admissions officer understand just how important a place at this college means to you. Be honest, be genuine, and don’t be boastful. It could earn you that place you so desperately want.  


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