Why Parents Should Attend Orientation


If you have a soon-to-be college freshman in the fall, this summer is going to be a very busy time for you. Apart from trying to squeeze in every moment for memories, hugs and quality time, you will be making preparations for the move to college in the fall.

One of the most important planning events for you and your student’s success and transition, is new student orientation.

New student orientation is one event at college neither you nor your student should miss.

Parents learn valuable information at college orientation and students make much-needed connections with other students. Orientation will help your student ease into college life and help you cope as they make the move from home to independent living.

It is an exciting time for the entire family when a child goes off to college. It’s not only a transition from one phase of education to the next, but the beginning of your child’s first years away from home. This also means, in many cases, the parents’ first years with a child away or even an empty nest. Although many parents breathe a sigh of relief that the long journey to getting accepted to college is finally over, many need a little guidance on how to deal with this important next step.

New student orientation can provide some of that guidance, as well as help you understand what college life will be like for your student and what life away from home will look like.

Read all about new student orientation, what to know about parent orientation, and what to do if the college doesn’t offer a separate orientation for students from an article I wrote for TeenLife Magazine.

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