Parent vs. Student: Conflicts About College

conflicts about collegeAsk a high school student (without a parent present) and most would tell you that they want to go to college for a) the social scene (aka partying), b) to get away from home and their parents, and c) to get a degree so they can get a high paying job after graduation. Ask a parent about the reasons they want their kids to go to college and they will tell you unequivocally that it’s for an education which will lead to a good job after graduation.

These goals differ dramatically and often cause conflicts about college choices, college majors and college location. Why are parents and students so far apart and how can you help them see things from your perspective or help them find a balance?

Academics vs a social life

Parents send their kids to college to study and excel academically. They see the money they spend as an investment in their future and would prefer that their kids not sacrifice academics for a social life. The reality is that students need both. A socially active student is a happy student. College is more than studying, tests and grades. It’s about having life experiences that help them mature as adults. Most college graduates say they learned much more in college than just academics.

The key is to help them find a balance. Before they leave for college encourage them to make a plan—allocating x amount of hours to study, leaving them with free time to socialize and participate in campus activities. If your student stays locked up in his/her dorm room all semester studying, the stress will inevitably manifest itself in their health and in their emotional well-being. If your student understands that good grades mean they won’t get put on academic probation or not be able to complete college, it might help them focus on their studies before they play.

“College prestige” vs “best fit”

Your student may want to attend an Ivy League college or any school within the top rankings, but is it really a good choice for them and will they be happy and excel. Choosing a college should be based on three criteria: money, major, and fit. Prestige should not be a factor, but peer pressure among students often makes this a top priority in their minds. A college with a big name might look good on paper and give them bragging rights with their peers, but when the dust settles will they be happy at this school and will it provide them with an education that will lead to employment.

Here’s another thing to consider—would you want to go somewhere you don’t fit in and are not wanted? Of course not. But students often do just that when they choose a college. If a school makes an offer of admission along with copious amounts of financial aid, they value your student and their contribution to their student body. If a college accepts them but doesn’t offer aid, the chances are they are just filling an admissions quota. Looking at it from this perspective makes the decision easier and helps them see the value in choosing a best fit college over a prestigious one.

Paying for school-parent or student

Most parents feel they are partially responsible for contributing to their child’s college education. While not everyone agrees on how much, we can all agree that this topic should be addressed before the students start looking at colleges. I call it the “money talk” and it’s just as important as any other aspect of the college prep process.

Kids are acutely aware of their need to contribute. In a recent Fidelity Investments online survey of U.S. high school seniors, a majority said saving for education was “overwhelming.” Good news for parents: 94 percent of students were willing to pay for at least some of their college costs; 56 percent of those said their share should be half.

Studies show that students who contribute financially to their education usually do better in college because they are financially invested. Teaching your kids to work for something they want begins during early childhood and should continue throughout college.

Once you’ve explained to your student what is expected of them, carry the conversation further by offering suggestions on how they can pay for their portion:

  • Student loans–All students who complete the FAFSA are eligible for government funded student loans. This is certainly an option, but the amount of the loans should not exceed their ability to repay after graduation. Loan repayment calculators are available to help you with that figure and you can research the average salary for your child’s degree after graduation.
  • Scholarships—Your student should be responsible for researching scholarship opportunities and completing the applications. These scholarships will help supplement their contribution and minimize the amount of student loan debt.
  • Work-study—Students should work during college, if only part-time. Work-study programs offer jobs on campus with employers who are willing to work with their academic schedule.

Location vs opportunity

Knowing that one of your student’s goals is to move away from home and get out from under your “control” means their decisions are often clouded by this priority. While location is certainly a concern, the reasons behind it should not be the distance from parental control. Just a few weeks into their freshman year they will discover how much they miss home and their parents. They may not see it now but it’s a guarantee it will happen. If they don’t believe you, have them ask current students. Often talking to their peers will help them see it from a different perspective.

Here are some things your student should consider when deciding on a location:

  • Networking and employment opportunities—Students should look ahead into the future. When they graduate do they expect to have a job waiting for them? Do they want to intern while in college to experience their future career? Colleges with large alumni networks also have opportunities for students to make connections that could help them after graduation. Texas A&M, for example, has a large alumni network who pride themselves in hiring A&M graduates if one is available. If their chosen career is theater, then living in New York makes perfect sense. If they want to pursue an acting career, Los Angeles would be an excellent choice. Cities with large corporate headquarter populations also offer employment opportunities after graduation as well. Once you look at the chosen career, you can determine if location should be factored in.
  • Tuition cost–If cost is a concern, living at home and attending a college close by should always be considered. Your student would save money on room and board and be able to work part-time while attending. Often students with limited financial resources choose colleges close to home based on these criteria.
  • Expenses not covered in tuition/room and board—Their tuition, room and board may be covered but those are not the only college costs. Parents and students should also factor in travel expenses into the decision. Attending college across the country can rack up airfare, gas and other travel related expenses on trips back and forth between both parents and students.

High school students often live in a fantasy world. They see their futures in black and white and they dream big. While there’s nothing wrong with dreams, it’s the parents’ job to help them with a reality check when needed. As you have done throughout your child’s life, continue to guide them and encourage them to make the best college decision based on reality.

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