5 Experiences to Have With Your Child Before College

before collegeYour child is finally leaving for college. It may seem just like the other day that you were seeing them off to their first day at school. Now, you are helping them pack away their things, so they can further their education and help change the world. This can be an emotional experience for both parent and child alike–even if the child won’t admit to it. To make sure that both parent and child make the most of their last few months living together, here are a few experiences that you can share before college.

1. Cooking Class

Whether you’re the cook of the family or not, teaching your child how to fend for themselves in the kitchen is crucial to their survival and health. New college students tend to gain some weight at the beginning of school until they find their feet. You can help them by either bringing them into the kitchen with you or signing up for cooking classes together. This can be a fun experience to share together. You can laugh, solve problems together, and forge fond memories that your child will always remember whenever they cook that dish. 

2. Take A Trip 

This should primarily be done one-on-one or with both parents involved. Whether it’s to their favorite place or somewhere no one has been before, take the moment to enjoy the time with them. You can impart a few lessons about living on their own along the way. Make sure you take some photos, too, to record this last great adventure as a shared family. You may want to choose a quieter setting, too, so you can have those important discussions about safety, health, and any words of wisdom you gleaned from your college days. 

3. Family And Friend Time 

While they may not believe it, your child is likely going to be saying goodbye to their friends, too. One excellent way to send them off and still have an experience with them is to host a dinner party or pot-luck with friends and family. Only those closest to your child and the closest family members should be invited. This get-together is to celebrate the triumph of your child as well as to send them off with love and wisdom. Just make sure that they don’t spend all of that time with friends. 

4. Give Them An Experience Down The Line 

Sometimes words can be hard to say face-to-face. A way around this and ensure that you’re still telling your child everything that is in your heart is by writing a letter. You can tuck this away into their luggage in a place that they’ll find the letter. Not only does this make for a final experience for them to share with you later when they’ve moved into their place, but it could help curb some of the inevitable homesickness. This letter can ensure your child how much you love them. 

5. Adulthood 

Because schools don’t normally equip children with what they need to know to survive in the day-to-day world, you’ll need to take those lessons upon yourself. It will be boring, but it’s the best thing you can do to make sure your child isn’t lost. Take the time to show them how to use an ATM machine, how to open a checking/savings account, how to pay taxes, basically, everything that an adult needs to know how to do. They’ll hate it, so did you at one point, but it will prepare them for the future. 

It may be hard to admit, but your child has grown. Making sure that your child knows they are loved and always welcome back home is the best thing you can do for them. By ensuring that they know there isn’t any shame in coming home, they can face the future with strength.


Today’s guest post is from Hayden Stewart, a contributing author and media specialist for MyKlovr. He regularly produces a variety of content centered around the transitional obstacles that come from students moving from high school to college life and how to succeed once there.


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